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5 Easy Ways to Get More Customers for Your Fitness Business

5 Easy Ways to Get More Customers for Your Fitness Business

How to get customers as a fitness business: Training, nutrition, physical therapy, yoga, crossfit, dance, etc.

Mario Morante
From Harbiz

How can I attract more customers to my fitness business? , What strategies can I apply to get more customers?...

Surely these questions haunt your head every day and, even worse, I'm sure that days go by and you still don't know or apply strategies that allow you to start attracting or getting more customers for your fitness business (whether it's training, nutrition, physical therapy, yoga, crossfit, dance, etc.)... Well, before moving on to 5 easy strategies to get more customers for your fitness business, let's see why you need to have an effective strategy to attract customers: A strategy allows you to have a structured planning that, at the same time time, it makes you fully commit to following it. The result of this commitment will translate, in a not too distant time, into truly important results for the development and growth of your business. On the other hand, a strategy allows you to take safer steps, because having a path to follow, achieving objectives is much easier. And following this line, you manage to optimize your time more (and better) when it comes to distributing it to: tasks, serving, training, helping or rehabilitating your clients. That said, now yes, let's move on to looking at the strategies!

Como conseguir más clientes para tu negocio fitness. DudyFit

#1 Work on the website of your fitness business

On the Internet, those who manage to surprise their users and captivate them through experiences and useful information on the web are those who gain the attention (and even the trust) of their potential customers. Start optimizing your website so that it shows not only your services but also the benefits of working with you. Make visible the testimonies of your clients, the most impactful changes or transformations. Show what you are made of, where you are going and how you will help people who dare to change or improve their lifestyle. Here we advise you to specialize even more in an area or problem. For example, if you have a lot of knowledge and experience about how to treat pregnant women or those who are going through post-partum, adapt your website or landing page to this type of service. This will allow you to have a more qualified type of audience (capable of becoming customers in a short time).

#2 Attend sporting events

This is the time to step out of your comfort zone! There is no strategy that works better over time than word of mouth. Years may pass and this technique will continue to be one of the most successful for obtaining potential customers. For this point, we recommend that you keep abreast of the upcoming sporting events that will take place in your city. Analyze what kind of event your potential client may be present at and once there, come to give advice, offer your services and even know their needs in order to be able to talk and offer based solutions. Write down the person's data and take the opportunity to let them try a training program or nutrition plan personalized, whenever you want. This will give you greater confidence and will even motivate you to start working on your objective/goal.

#3 Send valuable emails or messages

Send an email that provides value (information of interest or that is useful) to those people you think may be interested in your services. This applies both to former customers and those who are about to start their improvement or transformation. For former customers, we recommend that you write an email or message to send through the means of your choice, it could be something like:” Do you want to get back in shape? I have a 7-week plan to increase muscle mass... and these are the testimonials of my clients who have succeeded.” If your way of communicating is more direct (that is, by message) you can use WhatsApp, the Harbiz chat or any other messaging platform that allows you to send instant texts. For this option, we recommend that you use a much closer language, speak to your client as if he were your friend or colleague, tell him what you would do in his case and why, for example, you would resume exercise and healthy eating.

#4 Disseminate or create useful and eye-catching (organic) content on your social networks


What we will tell you next may seem repetitive, but one of the networks that works best to attract potential customers is Instagram.This social network, with its variety of publication formats, allows you to impact users in different ways. In our article on Instagram basics for a personal trainer, we have left you with a series of recommendations for each publication format of this social network.


Today, more than ever, users consume content in video format and apparently, YouTube is one of the social networks that they like the most to do so. This platform allows you to generate attractive content of whatever duration and theme you want. In turn, it allows you to create ads and interact with your audience through comments, likes and shared content. To start standing out on this platform, we recommend that you try to create and publish content continuously, in addition to trying to ally yourself with influencers or interesting profiles in your sector, this will allow you to gain visibility more quickly.

Before you sit down and think about the topic of the content, we recommend that you take into account the following actions:

1- Define your niche or target audience. If you still don't know how to do this, in this article we explain how to do it in a simple way.2- Define the “pain point” or need that you will attack or resolve with your videos. For example, if your target audience is women and you specialize in post-partum exercises or daily training that a pregnant woman can do, you could create:

  • Videos with a series of routines for pregnant women
  • Recommended diet videos to complement these workouts.

3- Publish content related to what was previously detected and maintain a frequency and consistency in each of your videos.4- Respond and constantly interact with your audience.5- Continue to improve your content and make it shareable. An advantage of generating video content of your routines, training, rehabilitations or, in general, your services, is that if you use Harbiz, you can reuse many of them in the creation of your training programs or nutritional plans. This, in addition to allowing you to monetize your work online, you saves time (not having to record your content all the time) and at the same time, it reaches more people.

5 formas sencillas de atraer clientes para tu negocio fitness. DudyFit.


This is the most popular social messaging network in today's society. WhatsApp allows us to communicate instantly and closely with other people. It turns out to be a very convenient and easy-to-use platform, so, without a doubt, it's an ideal way to talk to your customers or potential consumers.Think about it, by this means it's impossible to ignore a message.If your customers or potential consumers have given you their contact number, it's because they have already given you the confidence to write to them when it's important or necessary. However, for this medium you we recommend being more selective and cautious with your messages. Communicate with them when you are promoting really important and useful services or actions. Keep in mind that this medium allows you to segment your audience much more than any other social network, so communication here should be punctual and not massive as in the case of emails.

#5 Create discounts or temporary promotions for your customers with Harbiz

One of the features that most attracts the attention of fitness and health professionals who use Harbiz is the possibility of creating temporary discounts or promotions for their customers or new members. In the case of new admissions, you can offer them one of your subscription plans at a special price for 3 months, for example. This strategy is ideal both within the Harbiz platform and outside it. You can create attractive promotions, which respond to specific needs (that you previously detected in your target audience) and communicate them through any social network or medium where your audience of interest is present. There are many other ways to Get more customers for your fitness businessHowever, it is crucial that before you start thinking about strategies, you know very well who your target audience is and how to work in the areas of Marketing and Sales to be a successful fitness and health professional in your sector. If you are not yet one of the professionals who are succeeding in the fitness sector, we encourage you to try Harbiz free of charge for 30 days. This will give your business and services the boost they need to stand out from your competition. If you don't believe us, put our platform to the test and let us know what your customers think! Click on the following image

App gratis para negocios de fitness, yoga, nutrición, bienestar