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How to create quality content on Instagram if you're a fitness professional

How to create quality content on Instagram if you're a fitness professional

I don't know how to focus my marketing strategy on Instagram: How to create quality content on Instagram if you're a fitness professional

Mario Morante from Harbiz
From Harbiz

“I don't know how to focus my strategy”, “What channels should I be on?” , “People don't interact with my profile”, “It takes me a lot of time”...

These are some of the questions posed to most personal trainers, nutritionists, physiotherapists, yoga instructors... well, really, to any person or company that seeks to attract a quality audience to their Instagram profile and not to people who don't connect or are not interested in what they sell or offer through their content. In this article, we will teach you above all how to make the content you publish on Instagram really contribute to your training business. Let's get started!

#1 Choose consistent themes

You don't need a great strategy to start adding value to our followers, you just need to think with your head and try to put yourself in the shoes of your potential customers to know what they are really looking for. Think about it... What do you think people expect from your account? If you are a personal trainer, for example, the people who follow you probably expect to see you publishing small exercise routines, tips to stay motivated during training, healthy recipes... Knowing this will be of great help to ensure that each content you design is oriented to the main focus of your business, that is, that or those topics related to the problems or needs that your customers have and that YOU must address in your Instagram posts. In fact, what is usually really said is that 80% of the content you generate to publish should be focused on the main topic that you cover with your services.

#2 Define your objectives for each type of content

Before you sit down to create your posts, the first thing you should do is think about two things:

  1. For the benefit of what you are telling your reader
  2. What YOU want to get the reader to do when they encounter your content

And for this point we are going to address the typical questions that we are usually asked, keep reading!

#2 .1 “I want to reach more people but I don't know how to do it”

Instagram provides you with essential tools to achieve this first objective, hashtags and reels.


Using Hashtags will allow you (among other things) to reach other users who don't know you yet or know what you offer. To know which ones you should use, you just have to go to the social network search engine, in the “#” section and type a word that is related to what you do or offer, no matter how basic it is. The application will offer you a list of hashtags related to the word you wrote and you can even see directly from the search engine the number of messages linked to this word. This will give you a first source of inspiration to choose the best tags for your posts.


The reels are here to stay. This functionality (not too old) will help you increase your engagement and increase the visibility of your brand, that is, improve your commitment or relationship with your potential customers. So now you know what to do, start recording your videos!


This may be optional, but if done, it must be done in a timely manner. Sweepstakes have their advantages and disadvantages, but in the end, the disadvantages come from poorly taken actions or decisions. For example: If you are a Yoga Instructor and you decide to create a raffle for a trip to the Maldives or for electronic products, automatically the audience you will have participating will be people only interested in what you are offering in the raffle, so you will attract people who will not remain on your Instagram indefinitely and therefore, they will probably never hire any of your services. If you do, you should do it with head. It offers, for example, a voucher for 10 Yoga sessions and a Yoga kit itself. Automatically most of the participants will be people interested in what you offer in your fitness business.

#2 .2 “I want to increase trust in my services”

For this purpose you can do three things.

  1. Publish the testimonial of your customers with your services, your process, transformation or post related to what your customers think of you and your services.
  2. Use stories. This format will be your best ally to connect with your followers. You can make them interactive (with games, surveys, questions, etc.) and/or dynamic (attractive, with movement...).
  3. Create valuable content. Let's look at it with an example. If you tend to have a lot of clients looking to increase muscle mass, you can create related posts about: exercises, healthy habits, special diet and motivation. With this you will already be creating content that they really need to see, which translates into “providing value”.

#2 .3 “I want them to buy my services directly”

If so, you'll need to create much more direct content without being intrusive. It can be sold, without selling directly. See how you can do it:

  1. Add famous “CTAs” or calls to action to your posts, that is, what you want the reader to do. For example, suppose that you directly want to sell a training + nutrition pack, because to your muscle mass gain post you can add a message at the end of the carousel or in the description that says “if you want to discover the rest of the steps you must take to increase your muscle mass, write to me to the DM to schedule a first test session”.
  2. Add links to your stories. Did you know that it is now possible to place links in stories without needing to have 10k followers? Well yes! So take advantage of this update to place direct access to your services, exclusive content, or anything related to what you want (again) the reader to do.

#2 .4 “I don't want them to stop following me”

Well, create savable content! Sometimes your posts should take another direction depending on the objective you have set for that moment. In this case, if you don't want them to stop following you, start designing content that provides information that you can, want or need to be consulted several times. For example, a specific exercise routine for those who have back pain. This routine is sure that your followers who feel identified will keep it so they can do it several times a week, when the pain attacks them again. Even food recommendations! , you can make a list of the supermarket products that your customers frequent the most (the polls in the stories to find out what it is) so that they can consult it when they go shopping. Anyway, if you add value, your followers won't leave and if it happens, it can be a good sign. That means that those who were never going to hire you are gone. Think about it... You're cleaning up your Instagram!

#3 Design posts that connect with your audience

One of the most difficult tasks when it comes to sitting down to create the posts is the decision of the topic and how we are going to explain it in a brief and attractive way. So that this doesn't happen to you anymore, here is our key outline to be able to develop your posts more precisely and thus avoid wasting time. Start writing:

  • Detect the problem
  • Highline the problem
  • It offers a solution
  • Highlight the benefits

This structure will allow you to choose a topic that can respond to the problem that you want (or should) solve at that moment to design a post that, as we have already said, connects with your target audience. Another thing you should take into account once you have solved the previous step, is to know how to express your idea in a text that is easy to interpret, easy to digest and, of course, that is persuasive. There is a pretty good technique for writing texts that meet the three characteristics mentioned in the previous paragraph. Look at the article we have prepared on Copywriting and start applying this technique to your Instagram posts. And now to conclude this third point, take a look at these books that we leave you below


to facilitate that process of creating truly powerful communications.PD: They will help you with many other important aspects of your fitness business, not just communications, so save them to read them soon!

Do you use these tools to create TOP content on Instagram?

The tools that we will show you below will be your best allies when it comes to designing your communications. This is due to the simple fact that they are very easy to use and the best thing... they have a free version!

Follow these tips to write powerful texts

  1. Be clear about what you want to communicate and that the person who is reading you understands it. Keep in mind that they, at first, do not know what you want to transmit to them. Be specific and detailed when writing your posts.
  2. Communicate it naturally and closely. Do not use technicalities or extremely formal or professional vocabulary, there will be concepts that they do not understand and that you must change so that they do not lose interest in continuing to read or view your post.
  3. Be precise. Nobody reads long texts, they try to express the same thing, but using fewer words.
  4. It always seeks to surprise. Create your texts in a striking and original way, have your own style or tone when addressing your followers and empower it.

A few more tips to finish this article!

Finally, we want to remind you of the importance of keeping your Instagram community engaged and this refers to:

  1. Engage with your followers
  2. Don't let your comments or DM (direct messages) go through
  3. Get them to participate and connect with your content

Think that everything you do or say on social networks will have a positive or even negative impact on your training business. If you ever feel that, after doing all this, you still don't know how to define your themes for each Instagram post, you just have to be inspired, yes! Look at what other fitness and health professionals do, analyze which post has worked the most for them and create similar content. And if you have achieved everything, so you want to continue growing with your business and you haven't digitized it yet, we have the fastest and most effective solution on the market.Harbiz, a platform that will help you manage your training business easily. Start dedicating your time to your customers and revolutionize the way you work, in one click!