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3 ways to build customer loyalty in your fitness business

3 ways to build customer loyalty in your fitness business

Build loyalty with your fitness customers: It offers experiences, not simple workouts, it offers experiences, not simple workouts, and much more.

Javi Ortega
From Harbiz

How can I build customer loyalty in my fitness business? , What can I do to motivate them to maintain a healthy life all year round?

If you are reading this article, it is likely that now your main objective is to retain the customers of your fitness business, in fact, it makes all the sense in the world if you are very close to the low season (summer, Easter or even Christmas). We all know that a business succeeds when it manages to get its customers to repeat the purchase or keep their subscription plan for a long time. That bond, that friendship, that commitment, gives us greater and better results over time than even acquiring new customers. In this article we wanted to capture three easy and effective ways to build customer loyalty in your fitness business. The strategies we will teach you are not only the ones that work the most in the fitness and health sector, they are also the ones that currently large companies in other sectors are applying and obtaining very good results. Let's go see them!

Fideliza a los clientes de tu negocio fitness con DudyFit

But first... What does “build loyalty” mean?

Loyalty refers, as the word suggests, to the objective of making a customer “loyal” both to you (company/brand) and to your services or products, over time. When we seek to “retain” a customer, we seek to earn their trust. We want you to choose us from thousands of options on the market and to repeat your purchase over and over again or, in this case, to keep your contract with us. The mission of building customer loyalty takes time, this is not about specific actions that allow us to gain their trust in a week. Loyalty is worked on and maintained as in a relationship between friends or a partner. This is about building lasting bonds that translate into benefits and advantages for both parties, so the strategies we will teach you below are designed for just what you should do to keep your current customers happy.

#1 It offers experiences, not simple training

People who are passionate about the world of sports and health have something in common... discipline, commitment and perseverance. This has led them to feel that deep love for what they do most of their time. But let's be honest, it's very difficult to find clients who are really passionate about training on a constant basis, however, as a fitness and health professional, you know perfectly well that this is what you work on. There are a large number of people who train and maintain a healthy lifestyle because they have a specific objective or goal. So, here your task will be to offer a proposal that really attracts attention so as to keep your motivation high. And here you will surely wonder, “OK and what actions should I do to make the experience pleasant for you?”Here are some ideas for you:

  • FitCamp: 14 days of outdoor training to get the summer body you want
  • Christmas Challenge: Show your resilience and discipline in the month-long Christmas challenge.
  • Easter Challenge: Have fun and train with your fitness friends on a weekend of exercise, pool and barbecue.
  • Arrival of summer! : GPS route map for running or cycling along a beach or tourist destination (it offers a reward to the first to achieve it or the best brands).
  • Sports tournament. Find out what their favorite sport is and invite them to participate in your tournament (add reward).

If you notice, the five ideas have something in common... varying the way you carry out the session or training to motivate you to continue working on your objective. And even if you don't have a specific objective, changing the way you do sports, exercise or even your diet, already provides a lot. You can start planning and applying these ideas now so that, when the off-season comes, the decision to give up training is more complicated



#2 Create a simple yet attractive loyalty program

This strategy is one of the ones that work best, in fact, there is no doubt that it is effective for any sector. To create a loyalty program, you first have to think about your type of customer (buyer persona) and the needs they have to really know what they would like to receive in exchange for their loyalty. In turn, we recommend that you take a look at the actions that your main competitors are taking to build customer loyalty, this will help you to know how to differentiate yourself and position yourself above them with your program.

Let's move on to action

You can create a wallet program in which for each purchase or contract of other of your services, you accumulate a percentage that then becomes a discount for your next monthly payment or timely payment. They can even be cumulative points that, when you reach X amount, you receive a training, nutritional plan, session, class or product for free. You can also give them experiences, as we mentioned in the previous point, once you reach X number of contracted services, products purchased or even to celebrate 1 year (or more) working with you, you can invite you to do some physical activity outdoors or at a tourist destination. We assure you that he will not resist continuing to train with you!


#3 Show them your results regularly and reward their achievements exclusively

Monitor your performance and metrics throughout your process and commit to giving you constant feedback. This will not only help to increase their motivation, it will also allow you to earn their trust and loyalty. In order to exclusively reward their achievements, here we are going to propose to divide their general objective into small objectives (achievable in short periods) so that you can reward them constantly and thus increase their commitment. And when we talk about “exclusively rewarding” we refer to making him feel unique by giving him access, for example, to a private sale, a class only for VIP clients (they can be those who have been training or with you for more than 1 year have contracted several services) or a free trial of your new products or services. These actions seem simple, but they will undoubtedly have a great impact on your customer, allowing you to create a bond of reciprocity.

3 formas de fidelizar clientes para tu negocio fitness. DudyFit

Bonus. Reinforce the experience and communication with your customers with a complete and intuitive app

Yes! We are talking about Harbiz, the tool that is on the lips of many professionals in the sector and that today, many fitness businesses have used to promote their services.You can take advantage of the Harbiz subscription model to reinforce that experience that we talk so much about. Think about it, offering your customers a platform with everything your business has to give them is already a great advantage, now imagine not having to remind them of the payment for it every month... incredible, right? Well, this is just the experience you can provide to your customers... a personalized, online and pay-per-subscription training service. Also take advantage of this subscription model to provide them with more things that will benefit them in their process:

  • Complementary products or services for your workouts
  • Live sessions
  • Complete nutrition and training programs
  • Lists of products for your food and care, and more!

Now in the case of communication, Harbiz has different functions that will allow you to reinforce this factor, let's take a brief look!



Harbiz allows you to create a group (community) with your clients and with your work team (if you have one). With the community you can generate healthy competition among the members, since the platform automatically offers you a ranking of the results of those members of the group who have successfully completed the proposed workouts. This motivates them to keep striving to achieve their goal or even surpass the scores of others.


We say goodbye to WhatsApp and other messaging tools to welcome you to the Harbiz chat, where you can write, send voice notes and images whenever you want. This feature allows you to stay close to your customers, in fact, it allows you to be there for them at any time and, although it sounds contradictory, it also allows you to set limits


... We all know that it's annoying to be called or written to you, especially in your spare time, the chat in the app just allows you to limit communication through a single channel, so that you can enjoy life more and those moments for yourself


Having a single communication channel also allows you to centralize and organize your work. This will come in handy when it comes to creating training programs, sessions or any other type of service you offer.

Are you still thinking about having your own app?

These are just two of the many features and advantages that Harbiz has. We invite you to try this incredible fitness business tool for 30 days so that you can see how far your business can go if you automate your tasks and optimize your time. Get started for free by clicking on the image below!

App gratis para negocios de fitness, yoga, nutrición, bienestar