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15 resources to keep you informed about fitness and health

15 resources to keep you informed about fitness and health

Resources to be informed in the world of fitness and health: magazines, websites, social networks and other communication media that allow you to meet and follow this objective.

Mario Morante
From Harbiz

What channels or media can I consult to keep myself informed about the fitness and health sector?

If you are a personal trainer, nutritionist, physiotherapist, yoga or pilates instructor or, in short, a fitness and health professional, you surely value keeping yourself informed and updated with everything that happens in your sector. Precisely in this article we want to offer you a series of recommendations from magazines, websites, social networks and other means of communication that allow you to achieve and follow this objective. Let's start!

Mantente informado de todo lo que pasa en el sector fitness con DudyFit

Magazines you can read about sports and health

Each sector has multiple magazine options to keep you informed, however, we want to share with you those that we like to read the most and, above all, those that we consider to have the best information to keep you updated on everything that happens in fitness and health.

#1 Bfit

If it is true that we usually recommend scientific journals because of the trust that this information gives us, however, Bfit is an online magazine that can be useful for keeping you informed about the latest trends and news in the sector. The topics it usually covers in its news or articles are: health, well-being, aesthetics, beauty, nutrition and fitness.

#2 Physical Activity and Sport

As stated by the medium on its website, Physical Activity and Sport is “a scientific journal specialized in training, physical activity, sports administration, movement biomechanics and exercise physiology.” This journal is indexed in the Ibero-American Network for Innovation and Scientific Knowledge-REDIB.It is free thanks to the financial support of the University of Applied and Environmental Sciences and the selfless collaboration of external evaluators. Its objective is to “facilitate access and scientific appropriation of knowledge”. It has articles available in both Spanish and English, depending on the topic and the possible impact of the article. It publishes two issues a year and the types of articles it publishes are: scientific, review, reflection and case report.

#3 Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics

This magazine is quarterly and free. It publishes scientific articles that have been anonymously reviewed by experts in the field. The topics you can find in it are:

  • Clinical and hospital nutrition
  • Applied Dietetics and Dietotherapy
  • Community Nutrition and Public Health
  • Basic and applied nutrition
  • Food and health education
  • Collective, social and commercial restoration
  • Culinary Technology and Gastronomy
  • Bromatology
  • Toxicology and Food Safety
  • Food culture
  • Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology of Food
  • Humanitarian cooperation
  • Educational innovation in human nutrition and dietetics

In short, all areas of human nutrition and dietetics.

Blogs and websites to keep you informed about fitness and health

Many of the blogs and websites that we will recommend below have social media profiles, so take the opportunity to start following them!

#4 Fissac

It is a means of communication that seeks to solve people's real problems in terms of physiology, health and physical activity. They have different formats of free content to keep the interested population informed, such as:

  • Fissac Academy
  • Magazine
  • Blog articles
  • Newsletter

As we mentioned at the beginning, Fissac in its resources it deals with topics such as: physiology, health, high performance, scientific publications in the sector and conversations with professionals, scientists and experts in the sector.

#5 Blogilates

If you are a Pilates teacher or are interested in the fitness world (as a professional or athlete), the Cassey Ho's blog you'll love it. Although it is not a Spanish blog, it is a space that has a wide variety of publications related to pilates, healthy recipes and physical activity. Cassey on his blog receives many questions from his readers and answers them on his blog so that everyone can benefit from his advice and knowledge.

#6 Runtastic by Adidas

You've probably already heard it, it's the blog of the sportswear brand Adidas.This blog It is very interesting for those fitness and health professionals who seek to vary both their training and the content they talk or share with their community on social networks. It is full of articles that talk about different topics, however, they all lead to the same point... to provide advice on running, fitness and nutrition so that people are encouraged to have a balance between their daily lives and a healthy and active life.

#7 WebMD

WebMD is one of the most visited health pages in the world. Despite being in English, it has a news section in Spanish that is updated frequently. It is a reliable source of news and updated information on health, medical treatment and well-being. It has a wide variety of content, in fact, its blog is ideal for visiting and keeping up to date with the latest news and developments in the sector. In turn, it has a gigantic database of information that covers a huge list of medical conditions available for research, where you can also consult medications and check symptoms.

#8 Food Politics

Food Politics It is the blog of the renowned Marion Nestle, the woman who fights against multinational food companies to take care of your health and that of everyone. On her blog, where she posts almost daily, you can find endless articles on the food chain, new scientific discoveries on nutrition and health, food-related diseases and recalls, among others. If you are interested in knowing in more detail where the food you consume comes from, what are its properties, advantages and disadvantages, this space is ideal for you.

#9 Nutrition Facts

This is probably one of the best natural health blogs we've ever read.Nutrition Facts is an informative blog on health and nutrition topics, a scientifically based non-profit organization founded by Michael Greger, MD FACLM. This blog will be great for you if you are looking to make sure you are getting the right information to make informed dietary decisions. On this website you will find a wide variety of videos subtitled in different languages and a multitude of articles and infographics on all aspects of food, nutrition and news about the latest studies and scientific research carried out. Without a doubt a ideal space to keep your nutrition and healthy eating services up to date and prepare them in the most professional, original and personalized way possible.

#10 Webqueries

This health portal is aimed at all interested audiences.Webqueries aims to improve the quality of life of the general population, since it has a health office and a symptom identifier open to the public. This is probably one of the best tools for consulting any symptom or illness that one of your clients presents, so that later, you can safely and confidently plan the best physical activity and/or diet plan for him or her. In turn, its website has multiple resources to keep you informed about everything that encompasses the world of fitness and health, such as:

  • tidings
  • Curiosities
  • Interviews
  • Medical Tests
  • First Aid and Medication
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Exercise and sport
  • Beauty and Wellness
  • Mind and emotions
  • Seniors, babies, and children
  • Pregnancy
  • Diseases from A to Z and much more!

#11 EFE Health

EFE It is one of the best-known agencies in Spain and we decided to present it to you in this article because it has a very complete health section that will help you keep up to date with everything that happens in the health sector. It is nourished by many newspapers, so it is a resource that will come in handy when you want to have a topic to talk about on your social networks.

#12 World Health Organization

It seems curious, but many fitness and health professionals are not aware of the large amount of valuable information they could extract from this website and from its multiple studies and researches. Its website differs from the rest of those we have mentioned in this article because of its great list of data and statistics on health, which are of special interest to many researchers. Take advantage of the information provided by the OMS to enhance your services and reinforce your knowledge about the sector.

#13 Women and Health

One of our favorite portals about healthy living. As its own website indicates, Women and Health It is “a health portal created for all those people who want to wear a healthy lifestyle. A platform where they publish tidings and articles by great professionals who specialize in each subject to take care of the women's and men's health”.

#14 Vitonica

Surely you already know it, these are one of the most read blogs in Spain. On their website they offer a lot of information about fitness, nutrition and healthy living. The topics they talk about the most are:

  • Bodybuilding
  • Diets
  • Yoga
  • Mental health
  • Pilates
  • Healthy recipes
  • Routines
  • Muscle mass
  • Sexuality
  • Training
  • Supplements
  • And “sugar free”

Vitónica without a doubt, it is an ideal space to offer your customers a much more professional service adapted to the best physical activity and diet trends of the moment.

Databases for fitness and health professionals

We have reached the last point of this article (but not the least important) .In this part we could go a long way, since there are a wide variety of portals that work as search engines specialized in health and physical activity, however, we want to share with you our article with the 5 best databases on fitness and health.A very complete article in which we explain in detail those tools or portals that Harbiz considers to be the best resources to keep informed and be a good professional. we present the following databases: PubMed, BSCO, SportDiscus by EBSCO, Scielo and Gatorade Sport Science Institute. Visit it! we assure you that you will not regret it.

bases de datos y estudios de fitness y salud

Tool to grow your business

We have reached the end of this article, but first, we want to recommend the last tool we recommend to you to become a star fitness and health professional.

#15 Harbiz

Harbiz doesn't just have a platform to manage your fitness and/or health business, also has at the disposal of those who use it in their daily lives, a space to learn and continue to grow as professionals, it is Harbiz Academy. In this space (available within the platform itself) you can learn everything about the platform and the world of online training, marketing, sales and personal branding. In turn, we have a value proposition that is quite different from the rest of our competitors, this is the type of information we offer to our community in the online world. This information can be found at our social networks, ebooks, webinars and of course, on our super blog! We encourage you to try our platform without obligation for 30 days, so you can see how managing your time, customers and business becomes more enjoyable and efficient in a short time. Start by clicking on the following image!

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