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5 tips from Mundotrainers to be a successful online trainer

5 tips from Mundotrainers to be a successful online trainer

On April 28, we had the opportunity to interview Pedro Gómez, Co-founder of Mundotrainers, the training project for those looking to become an online trainer.

Mario Morante
From Harbiz

On April 28, we had the opportunity to interview Pedro Gómez, Co-founder of Mundotrainers, the training project for those looking to become an online trainer. During the dynamic Pedro shared valuable information for those who want to start in the online world but who still don't know where to start or what they should consider to start this journey on the right foot.At the same time, he told us from the perspective of his business how they managed to become trainers in the sector, how they managed to differentiate themselves from their direct competition, why we must change “valuable content” for strategic content and much more. Without a doubt it was a webinar very interesting for all those who want to become online trainers and “not die” trying. If this is your case, keep reading and get ready to take notes! You can access the Repeat of this interview here.

Plataforma para entrenadores personales. DudyFit

#1 How can you differentiate yourself from your direct competition?

Nowadays it seems that differentiating is increasingly difficult, however, we must understand that the differentiation is not about trying to do the opposite to the rest of the professionals in the sector. There are different keys to doing it correctly and right in the webinar Pedro shared with us those that Mundotrainers focused on:

  • Focus on fundamentals, on things that don't expire.

While it is true that an Online Trainer must be kept up to date to offer a service that is increasingly adapted to the new needs of their target audience, but if we must be sure of one thing, it is that the fundamentals, especially in the fitness world, will not change or stop working. They may improve over the years, but they won't be different. So, focus on doing what already exists well and even better.For example: In the case of communication and sales techniques, email marketing has been one of the most successful since its inception and since then its ability to help you connect with your customers has not diminished. However, this technique will not do magic for you or your business, you must be the one who defines a tone and communicates in an attractive and simple way to connect with your customers.

  • Get real results and talk about it

At this point, Pedro shared with us a phrase that seemed very true to us...

“Your branding is the results and your results are those of your customers”

Here we are going to recommend that you focus on just this, getting your first clients to achieve their goals so that, later, you can use their testimonial as a sales weapon. There is nothing better for an online training business that is just starting out than testimonials and word of mouth (we'll talk about this later). So now you know, focus on the results!

  • Create strategic content

Pedro told us that when he and Jorge started planning their content and communications, they realized that the rest of the trainers had the same speech, the only thing that changed was a couple of words, but everyone's approach was the same. In addition, they all repeated something that made a lot of noise to them to “create valuable content”... this is when Pedro told us something that made us reflect and maybe you too:

“Let's be honest, what is value?... The value for me lies in the observer. If you look at it, if you analyze it, value is subjective because what for you is value for others may not be. So, we better create strategic content that meets the needs of our target audience and let's forget about false value. In the end, the customer leaves with those who understand them.”

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#2 What are the most common mistakes when starting a business?

There are a lot of them, but the ones Pedro and Jorge faced and managed to overcome were the following:

  • Create content without a strategy and without defining your buyer persona.

Start by studying the problems and needs of those you want to help. Ask them what their daily lives are like, what their objectives, fears and frustrations are... gather as much information as possible about them and then sit down to plan and program content that meets those needs or objectives. Here we want to recommend that you learn new communication techniques such as Copywriting, perhaps the way in which you explain what you offer and do can change the course of your business. Visit the article we have prepared for you on how to write better to sell more and start boosting your communications 🚀

  • Not having a defined strategy for selling

This point could be super broad, since there are multiple effective strategies to correctly offer your products or services and for your potential customers to choose you over any other professional. So, not to get lost, here is an article that we prepared together with Toni Camí from Digital Vitamins, so you can learn how to create an effective sales strategy that allows you to become a customer magnet.👉 Sales strategy for personal trainers

#3 What are the main fears of starting to work online and how to combat them?

If Pedro and Jorge are sure of one thing, it is that these fears are the same as those that are perceived in life. Over time, they learned to face them as they usually do in their daily lives, with courage, precision and security. Here is some advice from Pedro that will undoubtedly come in handy:

“We have to reinforce and work on our emotional intelligence, our discipline and our perseverance to know how to carry out a project. Stop thinking that you will be rejected, enjoy and face uncertainty, believe in what you offer and be courageous... Entrepreneurship is made for the courageous and courage can also be learned”.

#4 Does an entrepreneur have to be innovative?

If we are certain of anything in Harbiz The fact is that an entrepreneur is already innovative simply by launching into the market with a new project. In this question, in fact, Pedro and Álvaro, our Community Manager, agreed that innovation must lie in differentiation. We must all learn to sell ourselves in a different way than other direct competitors. The advice that both of us shared at this point in the interview was very true, and that is that “we must create a prototype of our “ideal self” and work to become that person we want to be both for ourselves and for others”.

#5 Do you have to invest a lot of money to start in the world of online training?

Right now there are multiple tools that simplify the task of launching your business in the online world. At Harbiz, for example, we have a very complete and intuitive platform that could allow you to easily manage your project and the clients you start to have.

From the web, you can choose the plan that best suits the volume of your business or start carrying out a free trial of the same to organize yourself.

Finally: More tips for those who are starting to start a business

To conclude this article, here are some tips that Pedro wanted to share with the webinar attendees:

  • Be clear about what you want to offer, don't get lost
  • Look for success stories, make people talk about you and not you talk about you
  • Don't invest in anything other than training and guidance in advance. Create as you grow. Invest in your growth and then in tools.
  • Get to know those people you want to help. They are not “bizums with legs”, they are people, with frustrations, emotions...
  • Don't sell at low prices to reach more people
  • Learn to sell before creating meaningless content
  • Consider making use of Apps for personal trainers.

And this is how far we have come! we hope this information has been useful to you in making the most awaited decision... become an online trainer! 🚀