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Marketing and sales: 2 key areas for fitness professionals

Marketing and sales: 2 key areas for fitness professionals

How to promote fitness services with marketing and sales

Javi Ortega
From Harbiz
|the app for fitness professionals||the app for fitness professionals|

What areas do I need to know to differentiate myself from other fitness professionals? , How can I boost my services?

If we are sure of one thing, it is that, currently, there are more and more people seeking to have a healthy lifestyle (not counting the high number of people who, on the other hand, seek to earn a living as personal trainers, nutritionists or fitness professionals in general) .All this points to one thing only... the need to stand out against the competition in order to win a position in the fitness market. Well, to achieve this, it will be essential to have an action plan that allows us to position ourselves and become references in the sector and the key lies in Marketing and sales, 2 areas that, from now on, should become your allies. Let's go see them!

Marketing, ventas y publicidad. Áreas clave para profesionales del fitness. DudyFit

Marketing for fitness professionals. What is marketing?

Before taking action, we must begin by defining the concept of “Marketing”. Basically, it is the science or discipline that studies the behavior of markets and the needs of consumers. Its objective, among other things, is to attract, attract, retain and retain end customers by satisfying their desires and solving their problems. One of the most notable characteristics of marketing The thing is that it stimulates exchanges. That idea of “I give you this to meet that specific need you have and you, in return, give me this.” Well, well... What must happen for this to happen?

  • There must be a added value. Well, the consumer will always seek to meet a need or desire and you must offer them the solution through your peero services, with an applied value.

For example, a client who has back pain, it would be ideal for their physiotherapist or trainer to recommend a series of exercises and, in addition, recommendations to reduce or completely disappear that pain.

  • Both parties must yield. For example, the coach creates a pack of training sessions at a lower price and the customer buys it and understands the benefit he is receiving.
  • Marketing is no longer a communication that focuses only on offering a product, Now the customer is in The center of all strategies and must be able to express their ideas, opinions and, of course, be answered.

In short, we can see how current marketing focuses on listening to the needs and desires of the consumer to adapt our services to them, and not on trying to “impact” them or reach them indiscriminately. Well, since we are clear about the concept and its importance, let's move on to the important thing:

4 marketing strategies for fitness professionals

For this section, we will take into account the strategies proposed by our friends from “Digital Vitamins”, which we believe are the most suitable for starting or moving forward with your fitness business. Let's go see them!

#1 Create an online challenge at key moments of the year.

This action is ideal to make yourself known, build trust and authority with the services or products you offer. The challenge must be Very concrete, based on a common problem or pain point and of great importance for your type of client. Once you have identified it and know how to solve it, create the challenge taking into account these 3 factors to make it a success:

  • creates a simple structure or mechanism,
  • define an easy-to-achieve goal and
  • Give it a specific period of time and not too long (5 days, a week, 10 days or a month).

With everything ready, it's time to communicate it on social networks and encourage your community to sign up for the challenge. At the end of the challenge, celebrate with them and take the opportunity to make them a super irresistible offer for your Fitness program. Think that, at that moment, they already know you and have tried your methodology, so they will be more likely to be ready to buy you.

Reto deportivo. DudyFit plataforma para profesionales del fitness y la salud.

#2 Constantly share valuable content on your social networks

One of the advantages of your industry is the ease of creating content. El Fitness And the health They play a lot of fun creating any type of visual content that provides value to your audience. And what can you talk about? Well, here are a few ideas for you:

  • Solve the frequently asked questions of your followers
  • Share the physical transformation of your customers
  • Join trending challenges
  • Myths and truths about diets or exercise
  • Recommend foods from the supermarket
  • Teach the right way to consume nutritional supplements
  • Share or show your daily life

#3 Invest in advertising.

Investing in Social Media Advertising Provides Many Benefits. By segmenting your target audience in detail, you can direct your ads to a very specific and interesting audience to get to know your company and your products. In fact, advertising on these types of channels allows you to improve the visibility of your ads and with it the notoriety of your brand.One of the best cases is that of Instagram, which combines 2 formats that today are the kings in the world of Social Media: the image and the video.This type of format is the most used by users, which means that the interaction of your content with the public is greater and easier to achieve than on other platforms. However, it should be noted that, on this channel, the advertisements are mixed with the rest of the publications, so compared to other Social Networks, advertising seems less invasive from the user's point of view... Well, beyond the advantages of advertising on Instagram, it would be ideal to first detect where your target is, because once Be clear about where they are, the task of converting (that is, performing the action you want) will be much easier. Go ahead and try different means. In the end, advertising is trial and error and you'll never know what the best option is for your business if you don't start trying. You can even start with 10€ and see how it works



5 Benefits of Advertising

  • Increase brand presence.
  • It allows you to stand out above the competition.
  • It helps you attract and retain customers.
  • It allows you to educate customers about your business.
  • Improve your brand image.

#4 Sell your training programs online with your own fitness app.

A good method to start up your own online training program is to do it through a mobile app.These mobile applications not only help you save time managing your business, but also, they allow you to further professionalize your services and use that extra time to dedicate to your customers or to attracting new ones. In case you didn't know, Harbiz It is one of the platforms for fitness and health professionals most complete that currently exist and that, without a doubt, many references in the sector they recommend it.

Well, we close this first point to make way for another very important area...

Sales. Recommended techniques that will help you train more people.

But first, what does the sales process consist of?

The definition that you will read below is undoubtedly one of the ones that has best suited us to explain it to you in a simple way.“The sales process It's the sequence of steps that a company takes from the moment it tries to capture the attention of a potential customer until the final transaction is carried out, that is, until an effective sale of the company's product or service is achieved” - Inboundcycle.Well, if we wanted to represent this process graphically, we would have a kind of funnel divided into phases. However, in order not to go on any further, we leave you This article which will help you a lot to create one that suits your business.

Recommended sales techniques

#1 SPIN Method

This sales technique seeks to understand the needs of your potential customers in order to offer them a service in which they can trust and feel safe. This method is called Situation, Problem, Inquiry and Need and what it proposes is to ask a series of questions that allow you to know the situation of your potential customers. For each acronym you could do the following:

  • Situation: ask general questions that allow you to know the situation of that person: their way of life, objectives, goals, and others.
  • Problem: asks about those aspects that the person wants to improve and that represent a challenge or challenge for them.
  • Involvement: Ask questions focused on knowing the consequences that would arise if the problem were not solved. Emphasize those opportunities that can be missed by not acting.
  • Need: ask questions to guide the person to realize the benefits they can obtain by hiring your services and how they can improve their lives.

These four elements will allow you to discover the customer's needs and how you can help them meet them.

#2 Posting testimonials to generate more sales

Surely you've ever heard that happy customers attract new customers. Well, achieving this is the objective of this technique and the way to achieve this is to show your target audience the way in which your training, nutritional plans or advice helped others to improve their lifestyle.

Create testimonials with satisfied customers so that other people who want to start improving their lifestyle can see and be motivated to do so with your help.

A good tool for implementing this technique is to use “storytelling”, that is, telling through a story how that person managed to have a healthy lifestyle or the body they wanted.

To do this, you can start by describing the customer's problem and ending with how you helped them achieve their goal (tell it in a creative and inspiring way).



When people have good references from other clients, they are more likely to choose to follow the suggestion... because they are more reliable than a description with attributes and virtues written by the same professional.

Well, so far today's article, we hope it will be of great use to you to continue boosting your business. We leave you here


one last recommendation to take your business to the next level.

Try FREE for 30 days the most complete platform for fitness professionals (click on the image):

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