Top 10 Fitness Trends for 2024


Introduction: Welcome to an exciting glimpse into the future of fitness in 2024! This year promises exciting developments that will revolutionize the way we workout. Let’s dive into the top 10 trends and uncover how Harbiz, the all-in-one management platform for personal trainers, strongly backs these changes! 1. Personalised Fitness Experiences The customisation of fitness […]

Fitness Client Retention

The beginning of the year often witnesses a surge in gym applications and a renewed commitment to fitness goals. While this influx is fantastic for the fitness industry, the real challenge lies in retaining these clients beyond the initial enthusiasm of the New Year. In this blog post, we will explore the crucial aspects of […]

January & February: Key month for Personal Trainers

January and February have become the most important months for personal trainers. These months are crucial for client acquisition and can ultimately define the success of the entire year.  January marks the beginning of new year resolutions, including the desire to adopt a healthier and more active lifestyle. The fever for the “summer body” kicks […]

Advertising for Personal Trainers

entrenamiento de cuerdas

In the realm of personal training, one undeniable truth stands out: advertising is a key element of success. At Harbiz, we understand the importance of effective personal training advertising, and we’ve developed tools to help you fulfill your promises. Let’s unravel the mysteries of advertising and explore the essential ways to promote your personal training […]

Complete Business Guide for Personal Trainers

fitness business plan

Introduction: 1 Fundamental Concepts: This section focuses on defining your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) to stand out in a competitive market. You need to identify what makes your services distinctive, define a compelling value proposition, and make strategic decisions to enhance your brand image. 2 Initial Planning: In this step, the mission of your company, […]

How Much Does a Personal Trainer Earn in UK?

Cuanto Gana un Entrenador Personal

How Much does a Personal Trainer Earn in UK? According to Glassdoor, the average base salary for a personal trainer in UK is around 33.431 GBP. However, in the United States, the average salary for a personal trainer is approximately $21 per hour, that’s 23% more. This is why apps connecting personal trainers with clients […]

Passive Income for Personal Trainers

personal trainers app

Intro In today’s digital age, personal trainers have more opportunities than ever to generate passive income online. One powerful tool that can help you achieve this goal is the Harbiz app. In this blog post, we will explore SEO best practices for personal trainers to make passive income using the Harbiz app. We’ll cover various […]

5 Best Apps for Personal Trainers

5 mejores apps para entrenadores personales

Intro In today’s digital age, mobile applications have revolutionized the way personal trainers interact with their clients and optimize their training routines. These applications offer a variety of functions and features that facilitate communication, progress tracking, and motivation. This time, we are going to present the 5 best applications for personal trainers, with a special […]