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Improve and boost your personal brand as a coach

Improve and boost your personal brand as a coach

How can I improve or enhance my personal brand if I am a personal trainer?

Javi Ortega
From Harbiz
||theory and psychology of color. Personal Trainers

“How can I improve or enhance my personal brand if I am a personal trainer?”

Be a personal trainer, nutritionist, Yoga instructor, Pilates, Crossfit, or just a person


you must learn to stand out from others and for this, the key is to know how to identify what represents you and differentiates you, such as your values, your proposal and your objectives or goals to be achieved with that third party that expects to receive something from you. And yes, we are all a brand, you may not have realized it yet, but if you enter Google or any search engine and type in your name, you will realize that there is a lot of information about you scattered out there. You are not an anonymous and this can be something positive or negative, depending on the information that exists in Internet about you or your training business. So, now that you know, we are going to take those results to your side, that is, to make them count what you want them to count. Proper management of your brand is key to achieving your goals both personally and professionally. And... Good news! Having a good personal brand is easy. The difficult thing is to have a TOP personal brand


But don't be scared, you just need a little routine and the right tools. In this article, we'll show you the steps to follow to improve or enhance your personal brand as a trainer or fitness professional and of course, a visual example of a good brand strategy to start with, depending on the channel you use to communicate or offer your products or services. Let's get started!

#1 Investigate

What are your potential clients looking for in a personal trainer or sports center? , What are your needs? , Do their values match yours?... The research phase is vital to define the objectives you will pursue with your personal brand. If you know what your potential customers want, the task of offering them a product or service adapted to them will be much easier. In addition, this first step includes the search for inspiration. To improve or enhance a personal brand, sometimes we need to stop and look around us... Who is succeeding in the fitness world? , Do you have a type of customer similar to yours? Detect who or who these people are and get inspired by them. It's not about copying their image and actions to the bare minimum, it's about taking note of the things that have made them stand out from the rest, in order to define your own style.

#2 Define yourself and tell your story

Who are you? What do you want to show the world? , How and where do you want to show it?... Each person has a story to tell, we all have personal and professional aspirations that make us want to go for more and that motivate us every day to be better. Your personal brand is already created, exposed, and therefore it needs a story to accompany it, since it will be the one that speaks for you in the media where you are present. We will not lie to you, writing your story is the most difficult part even if it seems silly, but we assure you that, once you have it, it will help you to fully understand the purpose of your personal brand. We can't tell you what you should say, but we can tell you what you can rely on... When writing your story, don't forget to include what prompted you to create and launch your project and what you want to achieve with it. Once you have the answer to the first questions and your story written, it's time to define your objectives and strategy to follow to strengthen your personal brand. Keep reading...

#3 Define your goals

Now that you are clear about what you want to convey, you will now have to determine what you will use to achieve your goals. For this step, we have taken a very accurate phrase from the article about Personal brand by Lucas García, CEO of Socialmood. Where he comments that, everything you do must be aimed at “where you want to be” and “to be seen as you want to be seen”. You must know your objectives, decide where you want to be and what tools will be useful to achieve it and which will not. You may want to achieve visibility, audience, positioning or reputation, however, remember that your resources are always limited, especially time, so make the most of it. And speaking of time, the task of defining your objectives must be time-bound.

  • Short-term objectives: basically what you need in the coming days or weeks to ensure that your personal brand strategy is on the right track.
  • Long-term objectives: those things that you would like to achieve in the coming months or years, that is, the dream you want to fulfill after working in a constant and disciplined way on your project.
      • Example: Offer your services to clients from all over the world and create a training center with a great team.

#4 Enhance your brand design

Already at this point you will realize that a personal brand must be homogeneous in every way, from its message and content to the product or service it offers to its audience. All this must have an appropriate design that enhances the development of the brand. Design is an image, and it must always be done in a professional, logical and rational manner. Anything you publish or design, which is not in tune with the brand image, will confuse your audience and abandon any process they are in, from a purchase to an action as simple as following you on social networks. Following this line, we recommend opting for minimalism, simple designs, zero overhead. Remember that the design must match all your dissemination platforms: web, app, social networks... The typeface, colors and logo are the elements that will make up an important part of your personal brand design, so we recommend that you study very well what you want to convey with each of them and reflect it in their design. We leave you here, an image that we publish in our Instagram, with some interesting facts about color and its meaning:

teoría y psicología del color. Entrenadores personales

#5 Take advantage of the media in which you are present

Yes, we're talking about your social networks. Try to provide your audience with content that represents you and your brand, to facilitate memory. For a personal trainer or fitness professional, Instagram is the social network that is most effective in expanding the reach of the brand and generating engagement (commitment between brand and customer or potential customer). Ideally, you should complete your profile correctly, that is, with all the necessary data to demonstrate what you do, what you help with and how you do it. If you decide to have more than one social network, you should know that not all of them communicate about the same way. Each one of them has a tone, a type of audience, content and frequency. So you'll need to create a strategy for each of them.

#6 Create a community around your personal brand

When we promote a personal brand on different platforms, the most important purpose is usually to reach the widest possible audience, especially on social networks. The message that the brand communicates must attract the attention of the people who receive it, so that they interact and talk about the brand. Creating a community around the brand is essential to generate good feedback, capable of attracting more people and thus more sales opportunities. And surely now you are wondering... How do I create a community?Well, to do this, you must create a Web site or landing page that centralizes your information as a fitness professional, your services and your content, so that it captures the attention of users and generates a desire to be part of your community. You must also interact and stay active on social networks, generating content that is always in favor of the needs of your target audience and responding to or commenting on the messages of your followers and the content they share.

#7 Create powerful content, constantly

Generate content that is always in favor of the needs of your ideal customer. It should be content that provides value, that responds to the needs of your customers and, above all, that has such a unique and specific tone, that makes it easier to remember you and what you do or offer. For this point, the ideal thing would be to create a content plan, a guide that includes everything you need for your content to achieve its main objective... to reach more customers.You can create a simple content plan, following these steps:

  1. Research what you want to share based on what your customer demands (see the activity of your followers in social networks).
  2. Set your objectives for each publication (registration for a newsletter, purchase of a product, like, comments...).
  3. Write persuasive texts and create the design that will accompany them.
  4. Put them on a calendar, that is, add the date, time and publication channel to each one.

#8 Interact with other communities

To enhance or improve the visibility and reach of your personal brand, you must visit and be part of other communities in your sector or a topic of interest. This involves establishing contact with other fitness professionals who have a good level of influence in the sector, and trying to create collaborations that contribute to the growth and reach of both brands. Other profiles of interest on Instagram would be those that provide content on Marketing and Sales. They will be your best allies when it comes to creating content with a specific call to action. And like any member of a community, you must interact with the brand, always give your opinion in a constructive way and provide interesting and useful information.

#9 Measure your progress and follow up

To know if your personal brand is achieving the objectives you previously set for yourself, you should analyze the results of the actions you are taking for it. You can do this with specific tools, for example, those that Google makes available to you, such as Analytics, Google Search Console and Trends or Instagram Insights, which are very easy to interpret. On many occasions you will have to change the course of your strategy, so don't get overwhelmed, that means you're doing well. However, don't be surprised if the results are good from the start, in which case, you just have to congratulate yourself on how well you're doing.

#10 Be consistent and improve your personal brand every day

Your personal brand is neither built on its own nor does it develop on its own, so don't abandon it. Would you be able to leave everything, when you have reached the last step? We are sure that will not be the case! Stay firm and consistent when it comes to changing the course of your actions to make your personal brand powerful and attract, at a glance, anyone who sees it. Otherwise, you will lose the attention of users and, therefore, you will not be able to capture them. One action that can be successful in giving your brand that boost it needs, is to digitize your services. Go ahead and try it for 30 days, for free, The platform #1 in Spain for personal trainers.