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4 benefits of having a personalized app for your fitness business

4 benefits of having a personalized app for your fitness business

As a personal trainer, nutritionist, physiotherapist, yoga teacher, pilates instructor, etc., you will surely know that one of the keys to having a successful fitness business is differentiation.

Javi Ortega
From Harbiz
App for Personal Trainers||Personalized fitness business app|||Harbiz, the app for managing fitness business|Manage your business with Harbiz, the app for fitness and health professionals|app for yoga or pilates business|||customized app for fitness, yoga, nutrition, wellness|App for Personal Trainers

“Why should I have a personalized app if I'm a fitness professional? , What are the benefits of a personalized app for my fitness business?”

As a personal trainer, nutritionist, physiotherapist, yoga teacher, pilates or crossfit instructor, you will surely know that one of the keys to having a successful fitness business is differentiation. But beyond this, there are other equally important keys that you should take into account, and it's about having a personalized app for your fitness business, one of the most important for success in your sector. That said, in this article we want to share with you the 4 benefits of having a personalized app for your fitness business, the advantages it has for your customers and why the Harbiz app could be a very good option to further professionalize your services. Let's start with the benefits!

Harbiz, la app para gestionar negocio fitness

#1 A personalized app helps you stand out from your competition

In a sector as competitive as fitness and health, knowing how to stand out from other professionals must be one of the main objectives. Well, we all know that tools such as Excel, Word and email are good, and that even an attractive and complete website, too. But... Is this really new? , could these tools allow you to differentiate yourself? It depends on how you offer and manage it, but in principle, no. A customized app can allow you to manage your entire business from one place. In the case of the Harbiz app, this includes:

  • Power create programs or complete sessions (with their duration, their videos and descriptions of each exercise or activity, their daily tasks and more).
  • Add any type of activity or task to your clients' calendar (such as workouts, live sessions, forms, progress log, messages and more).
  • Invite your work team (if you have it)
  • Have all the data about your customers in their file, well organized and structured.
  • Create nutritional plans (if you work with this service too).
  • Chat with them and with your collaborators
  • Manage payments and subscription plans (that's right, with Harbiz you can offer your services through subscription plans and you can have information about all the payments made, and invoices. In addition, you can also control your external payments from the App and offer single-payment products or services).
  • And much more!

Beyond the functions, there is perhaps something even more important that will allow you to truly differentiate yourself. It's about the visibility of your personal brand, a topic that we will talk about in the next few points.

Gestiona tu negocio con Harbiz, la app para profesionales del fitness y la salud

#2 You professionalize your services even more

A personalized app transmits quality and professionalism simply by seeing that everything you offer and what your fitness business represents is available in one place. Psychologically, your customers get the impression that it will be much easier to achieve their goals and visualize their progress. This is a point in your favor because you can “feed” that thought or feeling with 100% personalized services, that is, adapt the sessions to their needs, schedules, personal objectives and even to any pathology or condition they have. One of the most attractive features of Harbiz related to this point is the possibility of generate reservations for your classes or sessions and their management. Specifically, the Harbiz app allows you to schedule sessions on the calendar, so that your clients can book or cancel with total autonomy and that you can manage those cancellations on time (that is, allowing another customer to book the session so as not to lose their reservation or space). Another attractive feature is the possibility to plan your messages and content in advance: You can schedule anything you need in your clients' calendar to help them with their process. From messages, programs and plans, to a form that you want me to fill out or interesting content that I should look at. And finally, you can! offer trial periods for your services like Netflix! This means that you can allow your new clients to test your workouts, nutritional plans, sessions or, in general, your services, for a limited time of up to 3 months. How cool!


For example: see what the session booking section of your personalized Yoga or Pilates app might look like.

app para negocio de yoga o pilates

#3 Your customers know that you are the one behind the app

A personalized app shows at a glance what your business and services are made of. It allows you to show the essence of your brand through your services and attention and makes your clients feel more confident and secure by hiring you as the professional who will help them meet their objectives. It also allows your clients to recognize your brand more easily (especially since it has your logo and colors visible) .And as if that weren't enough, helps you boost your visibility. If you have your own app with Harbiz, you would have it hosted in the main application stores such as the App Store and Google Play Store, this will help your customers to easily recognize that it is your business and they will be able to have you as close as in person thanks to having your app on their mobile phone. Following this line, your customers will know that this is the means by which they can talk to you and learn about your progress. This benefits you in two ways:

  1. Because it helps you to centralize your conversations and customer information in one place.
  2. Because it allows you stint the means of communication through which your customers can contact you.

In fact, if you dare to have your personalized app with Harbiz, you could have groups with your clients to keep them informed about their upcoming programs, events, and you could even share images, audios, motivational messages and even result rankings to motivate them to continue working on their objectives. Look how good your community would look!

comunidad de clientes para negocios de fitness

#4 A personalized app helps you easily build customer loyalty

We all know that a business succeeds when it succeeds in getting its customers to repeat their purchase or keep their subscription plan for a long time. That bond, that friendship, that commitment, gives us greater and better results over time than even acquiring new customers. When we seek to “build loyalty” with a customer, we seek to earn their trust. We want you to choose us from thousands of options on the market and to repeat your purchase over and over again or, in this case, to keep your contract with us. With the Harbiz platform you can easily build loyalty thanks to the multiple features that help to achieve this task. For example, the one that has helped many of the professionals who use our platform the most, is the evolution monitoring:By having your own app you could monitor its performance and metrics throughout its process and give it constant feedback. Not only would this help increase their motivation, but it would also allow you to earn their trust and loyalty. Take a look at what this section would look like from your custom app!

Métricas y progreso composicion corporal. app

Before we finish this article, we want to recommend another thing you could do to build their loyalty, and that is reward your achievements exclusively.You can divide their general objective into small objectives and reward them constantly through the app, that is, with actions such as:

  • Access to a private sale
  • Access to a class for VIP clients (this works if you are a client who has been training with you for more than 1 year or has contracted several services)
  • A free trial of your new products or services
  • A bonus of 10 sessions at a lower price or for free, etc.

All these actions that we have mentioned before are possible to carry out with the Harbiz platform so, seeing everything you could have in one place, why don't you dare to take a leap in the way you offer your services and knowledge? By clicking on the following image you can get a free 30-day trial of the platform and then you can contact us to get to work with your personalized app. What do you say, do you accept the challenge?

app personalizada para negocios de fitness, yoga, nutrición, bienestar