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Email Marketing with Harbiz and Active Campaign

Email Marketing with Harbiz and Active Campaign

Javi Ortega
From Harbiz
5 best apps for fitness training and email marketing

Does sending emails allow me to increase my number of customers?Of course! But let's see why... Emails are an essential tool if what you want is to develop, scale or simply manage your training business properly. 2020 was a year that consolidated this action as an important communication channel that also creates significant ties quickly with the user or potential customer. Now, in the middle of 2021, it's impossible to have a fitness business without taking into account how useful and profitable emails are to attract customers and provide added value. You haven't implemented this online communication tool yet, this article is for you. What is Email Marketing? Email marketing consists of sending emails to a pre-determined database, made up of your customers and potential customers. This action is considered a digital marketing strategy and its objective may vary depending on the interest of the person sending them. Some objectives could be:

  • Attract new customers
  • Build loyalty among those who are already customers
  • Interact with receiving contacts
  • Increase sales over a period
  • Build trust in your services
  • Confirm a purchase order
  • And many more...

Benefits of email marketing

  • Convert (users into customers) 3 times more than social networks.
  • It allows personalization and makes the customer feel unique and heard.
  • It increases cross-sales, that is, it allows you, in addition to a registration (for example), to sell other types of products or services complementary to the initial one.
  • It allows you to reach all types of customer profiles and establishes lasting relationships.
  • The fact of sending emails on a recurring basis keeps you in the minds of your customers when they are willing to buy a service similar to the one you offer.
  • It is an excellent channel in terms of promptness, since you make your products or services known instantly and at the exact moment (when the need arises on the part of the customer).

Active campaign

Active Campaign is one of the best automation tools to get you started in Inbound Marketing, well, among many other advantages, it has some CRM functions for managing relationships with customers and users. In this case, it is very important that the clients you manage from Harbiz can receive personalized campaigns, promotions, or communications depending on the type of customer profile they are. Then, we show you all the necessary information about synchronizing contacts from Harbiz to Active Campaign. Let's see her!

How to synchronize contacts from Harbiz to Active Campaign?

The data dump takes place every night at 3.00 AM or by clicking manually from the coach settings. The fields that are synchronized and traveled from Harbiz to Active Campaign are:

  • Name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Telephone
  • Labels:

Personalized customer labels with the Dudy Tag format: “GOLD PLAN” State labels: Dudy states.“Active”: when it comes to an active customer with a recurring monthly payment, after the first month of trialing.“Trialing”: is a customer who is still in the first month since the service was activated and is already paying.“Incomplete”: indicates that the payment failed for some reason on the customer's card. The trialing state is a customer who is still in the first month since the service was activated and is already paying, but has not yet been charged for the second month.“Guest”: is a customer who is not paying for the service through the platform, but is doing so outside of it.“Archived”: is a client that has been archived by the coach for any reason.

How to connect Harbiz and Active Campaign?

The configuration is done by taking the URL and the KEY from Settings → ActiveCampaign Developer

And that same URL and key must be set from the integration configuration within the Harbiz platform.

Do you have doubts? Read these frequently asked questions:

Will contacts who sign up for the app appear directly in ActiveCampaign? And, on what list?

  • Contacts are dumped and updated directly in ActiveCampaign, they are not catalogued within any list.

When it comes to automating these contacts, are the actions they perform within the app tracked and can we use them as a trigger for certain automations?

  • Subscription status changes are being tracked.

Is Active Campaign the email marketing tool I'm looking for?

Does Harbiz help me attract customers?

  • Of course! On the Blog you have a series of articles that will help you attract more customers to your training business. You just have to learn what good practices are and apply them to your sales and communication strategy.