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How to upload my videos to Harbiz with YouTube and Vimeo

How to upload my videos to Harbiz with YouTube and Vimeo

How to upload my videos to Harbiz with YouTube and Vimeo

Javi Ortega
From Harbiz

YouTube and Vimeo, the perfect solution for uploading your videos to Harbiz

One of the main advantages for any fitness professional And the health is to be able to upload your own videos to Harbiz.For this we have integrated YouTube and Vimeo services so that they can easily upload their content to the platform and then create their programs or workouts without wasting time. So knowing this, start now to share your videos with your customers!

Settings for uploading videos from YouTube

If what we want is to upload videos to YouTube and for customers to only access them through the link, then we have to choose the video option in “hidden” mode. This way you ensure that only the customers you want have access to it.

Once you have the visibility configured, by taking the video link and inserting it in Harbiz you are ready to upload it to the platform.

Settings for uploading videos from Vimeo

In order to configure Vimeo's privacy settings, you must have an active account on that platform. Below is an image of the optimal settings for uploading videos to Vimeo so that they can be played on Harbiz by your customers, without being public or shareable by other people.

In addition, Vimeo has a very cool option that allows you to customize the player's options, in which if you don't want it to be shareable, you have to configure it as follows:

You have everything ready to start uploading content to the platform and making your customers move up the level thanks to it.Do you still have questions about how to upload your videos to Harbiz? Do you need help with another topic? You have us in the support chat, contact us! If, on the other hand, you are not working with Harbiz but you came to this article to take a look at how you can upload your content to the platform, we invite you to try the platform for FREE for 30 days. Let's go for it!
