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Choose software for personal trainers instead of Excel, Word and emails

Choose software for personal trainers instead of Excel, Word and emails

Javi Ortega
From Harbiz

You're probably wondering why you should use software for personal trainers if you're able to do everything with Word and Excels.

To write this post, we had the collaboration of Laura Ruiz, personal trainer and user of Harbiz, the #1 software for personal trainers in Spain. There are cases where real engineering works have been done through Word and Excel, in terms of advice and clients. And yes, it's clear that you can set up your own advisory system with it, but surely you haven't stopped to think about the drawbacks this has. This is where our most precious asset comes into play, The weather. Let's be aware that we will never recover every minute lost, let's optimize it! Cool isn't it? How much energy! But how?


if you are starting with your personal training system, planning, sports advice, or any other type of consultation, you will invest time in:

  • Learn to use these tools, at a level that is almost always above the basics.
  • Understand and manage yourself with formulas and graphs.
  • Put it nice, to take care of your brand.
  • Link some documents to others.
  • Get used to a dynamic of working with all this.

How long do you think it would take you to do all of this, until you have it under control? In Laura's case, it was several months!

Now, put yourself in the shoes of your clients, do you think that your customers perceive the value they deserve by delivering your work to them with these tools? The reality is that your customers are your most valuable asset, and studies confirm that they base their decisions on trust. What decisions are we talking about? Well, about the trust and value that your work brings to your clients. They trust you more if they know that there is management software for fitness professionals that you work with. He's even willing to pay more for your service just because he has your Training app at your disposal. Let's see the advantages of working using management software for personal trainers such as Harbiz both for you as a coach and for your clients. Watch out and value yourself!

What are the advantages of using Harbiz if you are a fitness professional?

  1. Enhance personal branding of your business and give your customers an App completely customized by you to make them feel unique. The competition is increasing and you have to differentiate yourself from the others!
  2. Upload your own exercises, with your videos and images in an organized way. Also take advantage of the exercise and food library owned by Harbiz, so you can prepare workouts and diets with everything you need.
  3. Save time and optimizes the process of preparing and customizing workouts and diets, with everything integrated into a software. At the beginning I told you that to set up a system with Word and Excel you were going to need to invest a lot of time. But then you have to adapt and customize it to each customer, so you need... more time!
  4. Do you like it when a customer writes to you on a Saturday at 20:00 in the afternoon on Whatsapp? If he does, it's because you've given him your number. Communicate with them through professional software, and communicate efficiently through chat and video call.
  5. Your customers in subscription mode, wow! Forget about chasing your customers to renew or make that payment that never comes, this whole process is automatic with the Harbiz software.

[embed] https://youtu.be/KUa90BLwaUE[/embed]

But of course, this software not only has advantages for you as a fitness professional, but also for your clients.

What benefits will your customers have?

  1. The biggest advantage is the commitment generated between the client and the personal trainer. By having a mobile app customized by the personal trainer, the interaction and recording of results by the client makes it possible to see in detail what compliance is being like in real time.
  2. Thanks to the push notifications and continuous customer monitoring, their motivation increases exponentially.
  3. La Easy usability of the App is a very strong pro, since the customer has super easy access to personalized workouts, where they can even watch your exercise videos.

As we told you, all programs and tools have their pros and cons, you just have to evaluate options with the objective of optimizing and making the service increasingly comfortable for both you and your customers.


With that said, are you ready to take your training business to the next level?


If so, go for it!