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World Health Day: an opportunity to differentiate your fitness business

World Health Day: an opportunity to differentiate your fitness business

World Health Day: April 7, how to differentiate your fitness business.

Mario Morante
From Harbiz

Why is it so important to differentiate your fitness business on World Health Day? , What can you do with your clients on World Health Day?

As every year, on April 7, World Health Day is celebrated, a date that commemorates the foundation and the work carried out by the World Health Organization and that in turn, is a perfect time for you to differentiate your fitness business. This celebration seeks to raise awareness about deadly diseases and promote healthy habits in people. It always focuses on a topic based on the needs or suggestions of the moment, taking into account, above all, the areas of health that most need support and visibility. This 2022 the motto is “Our planet, our health” so at Harbiz we have created this article not only to join the cause but to give you ideas, as a personal trainer, nutritionist, physiotherapist, yoga teacher, Pilates or in general, a fitness professional, that are useful to differentiate your fitness business and keep your clients' motivation high. Let's do it!

El día mundial de la salud diferencia tu negocio fitness con DudyFit

#1 Differentiate your fitness business by promoting good habits on your social networks

Surely this is not the first time you have heard this advice, however, the approach we want to give today is totally different from the one you already know. Today we want to propose that, throughout the week of Health and Sports create an attractive dynamic with your followers.The dynamic may consist of carrying out a Sports challenge throughout this week, where the objective is to exceed the results (performance) of the previous day on a daily basis and to reinforce or improve their perseverance, discipline and good habits. This dynamic can be done outdoors to vary the space for training or physical conditioning. And to encourage them to participate, you can suggest that they upload a video to their stories doing the challenge of the day and nominating a friend or family member to do it as well. Then, tell them to tag you so that you can repost their video and thus the rest of your Instagram community will encourage to participate.

Benefit for you as a fitness professional

Beyond the physical and emotional impact that this will generate on your customers, this action will benefit the visibility and reach of your social networks. Well, by getting many of your followers to participate and, in turn, they nominate other people to participate, you will be able to reach new profiles that will turn out to be a potential customer, which translates into attracting customers and increasing revenues for your fitness business.

#2 Innovate in the way you perform and offer your services

As we always say... those who innovate, win. For this special date, we recommend that you implement some of these ideas to vary your services:

  • Pack of outdoor group activities with family or friends.
  • Gift session bonus + nutritional plan for the most faithful.
  • 10K or 25K Outdoor Race with prize (pack of sports items or supplements).
  • GPS route map for running or cycling.
  • Sports tournament. Find out what their favorite sport is and invite them to participate in your tournament (add reward).

There are many more ideas you can do to vary the way in which you offer or perform your services, however, here we invite you to sit down and “brainstorm” with possible actions or activities that you can carry out with your clients. The idea is to think about which ones best fit your type of business and, once you have them, stick with the ones that best suit their needs and tastes and what you are able to offer them. Once this process is over, now it's time to bring them to reality! Plan them in your clients' agenda and enjoy the proposed activity with them



#3 Suggest a coaching session or motivational talk to your clients

One of the objectives of World Health Day is to seek a balance between mood and mental state, that is, to promote the importance of emotional stability among society. For this purpose, we suggest that you talk to your clients as if they were your friends or a family member that you appreciate very much. Think that for a person to flow, work and achieve their goals, they need to feel and be good both with their environment and with themselves. For you as a fitness professional, it is essential that your client be emotionally well, because as we said, this will make it easier for you to achieve your objectives. So, for Health and Sports Week, schedule these types of sessions with each of your clients so that they can tell you: how they are, how they feel, what problems or situations they are worried about, what their daily burdens are, etc.

Benefit of knowing your emotional state

This information will allow you to offer a much more personalized and close service, which in a not too distant time will translate into great benefits for you, such as Loyalty (trust in you and in your work) of that client. Another benefit of knowing how your customer feels is the ease with which, later, you can create and communicate your performance and results to you so far (feedback). Well, knowing how he is feeling, what his daily life is like, etc., you can set more realistic and attainable objectives together with him, in addition to better understanding the reason for certain results.

#4 Start differentiating your fitness business with a professional and intuitive app

Your clients' experience becomes more enjoyable when you allow them to train with total freedom (anytime and anywhere), and it becomes more attractive when they know that you are working with professional software to manage both your business and the services you offer them. Now imagine if you add to these two advantages the payment method per subscription plan... the experience would be unique, right? Well, this is what we propose to you for this month from Harbiz, to start working with a very complete app that allows you to manage your entire business from one place. Take a look at some of the functions we have to differentiate your fitness business and make your customers fall in love:


Your customers, as they carry out the corresponding program, They can fail to complete and evaluate each exercise. This creates a sense of pride and/or satisfaction at successfully ending the session.


The fact of having a platform that allows you record the performance and evolution of your customers In order to give feedback, it helps you reward their efforts and motivate them to continue training until they reach the goal. This also benefits you and your business when it comes to customer retention.

Video format to offer your services.

You can create your sports challenges or challenges through the video sessions that Harbiz puts at your disposal. And following the previous line, this motivates them to continue training until they achieve their objectives and even not to give up training when they have already achieved the result they wanted.


Harbiz allows you to create a group (community) with your clients and with your work team (if you have one). With the community you can generate healthy competition among members since the platform automatically offers you a Ranking of the results of those members of the group who have successfully completed the proposed workouts. This motivates them to keep striving until they reach their goal or even surpass the score of others.

Fitness programs.

You can create complete programs by difficulty level that they connect with each other so that your client maintains physical activity as a routine, improves their performance and does not lose the results they have achieved so far.


Every effort has its reward and Harbiz can help you reward your customers through the option to offer training session bonuses.For example, once your client has finished a challenge or sports challenge, you can give them or sell them a pack of 10 sessions at a lower price so that they can continue working on their goals, which not only rewards their effort but also their loyalty. If you liked all these features, we encourage you to try the rest for 30 days free of charge! It's the perfect opportunity to start innovating and offer your customers a different and professional experience, and what better time to do so than during the health and sports week itself. Go for it!

Harbiz, la app para gestionar negocio fitness