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Harbiz, the software for personal trainers in Madrid

Harbiz, the software for personal trainers in Madrid

Javi Ortega
From Harbiz

Harbiz is the software for personal trainers in Madrid

The most complete software for personal trainers of Madrid.

Harbiz is the all-in-one software for fitness professionals. So if you're a personal trainer, nutritionist, yoga instructor, crossfit instructor or physical therapist, this software for personal trainers is for you! Manage your clients' training professionally and from anywhere. You can find all the functionalities necessary to manage your clients, create and develop your own exercise programs, personalized workouts for each client, nutritional plans and much more...

Your clients deserve a platform like this software for personal trainers in Madrid.

At Harbiz, not only do we work to offer you a complete and automated software for personal trainers, we also seek to offer you multiple resources, content and tools that allow you to attract new customers, through our social networks and Blog.

And I'm sure you'll say: OK, and why have they decided to focus on this as well?

Well, because we fully understand that your work revolves around this very important factor... the satisfaction of your clients with your work. So, if you are reading this, we want to motivate you to take the next step. Develop a powerful customer acquisition strategy that makes everyone who wants to start exercising do it with you. Everything you and your clients need, you can achieve with Harbiz's software for personal trainers, but it will be up to you to apply good practices and work hard to achieve a good sales strategy that will lead you to attract more people. Wait! There's even more... You can also deliver your services to your customers through a App of own training! Cool, isn't it? What are you waiting for to start trying the software for personal trainers for free for 30 days today?

Here are some of the features of the platform, how much time do you think you spend on them today with the methods you use?

Preparation of training sessions

Create and design personalized training plans for clients or groups of clients.

Customer Management

Add and invite new customers, taking control of them in an easy and intuitive way.

Payments through the platform

With payment automation, forget about controlling payments to customers, as well as benefit from financial analytics.