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Personal Trainer: How to Write Better to Sell More

Personal Trainer: How to Write Better to Sell More

How to write better to sell more in the fitness world

Javi Ortega from Harbiz
From Harbiz

How can I write texts that sell my training services on their own? - What is translated as “writing better to sell more”...

Transforming words into money is totally possible, but for that, you'll need to have a very complete guide that includes techniques such as Copywriting and Newsjacking, to help you improve your communication skills (write better) and meet the sales objectives of your fitness business (sell more). And you're probably wondering, why mix two marketing techniques in the same post? precisely, since they are the two techniques that bring the best results to both large and small brands, we have seen the need to teach you (without more time to waste) these two powerful communication tools so that you can start, today, to create content that not only sells but is capable of going viral among your social media community. Let's give it! Let's start with basic knowledge,

What is copywriting?

Copywriting is much more than a writing skill. They are ideal (and essential) techniques and practices for producing texts that generate in readers a desire or need to perform a certain action. In other words, persuade through words so that your customers end up buying your products or services, in your case of training. Your texts should become real sales machines and should be useful for any type of content, both in emails, websites, catalogs and advertisements, and for social networks in general. In conclusion, it's about writing with an intention and an objective, writing in a generic way provides nothing more than information. So, if you are looking to increase your sales, enhance your content on social networks, reach a larger audience through social networks, maintain the motivation of your customers in style or simply get the reader to ask for more information about a specific product or service... keep reading!

#1 → How will I know where to start to write better?

As it says Maider Tomasena, the first step is to understand that you speak directly to only one person: your ideal client. Your ideal client cannot be “all those who want to train”, if that is what you have considered when reading this sentence, then it is not correct... Your ideal customer must be someone with a specific need, whom you, through your services and knowledge, will help. Anyone is not suitable to buy or contract our products or services, and this is precisely the big mistake of some personal trainers or fitness and health professionals in general, who tend to think that all those who train or want to train have a common goal with other athletes. By the way, you've probably heard the terms target, BP (Buyer Person), ICP (Ideal Customer Profile, Ideal Customer Profile andIn English), target audience, ideal reader... don't worry, they all refer to the same thing: A person who has a specific problem or need and who is looking in the market for products or services that can help him solve it.

To correctly define the ideal customer for your training business, you should ask yourself these three key questions at the outset:

  • Who is your ideal customer? (you Buyer Persona).
  • What problem or need can you help him solve or satisfy (that is, why that customer and not another).
  • How are you going to solve their problem or need (what services, product or content you will offer to meet them).

#2 → You already know who your ideal customer is, now let's get to know their way of expressing themselves

What you write must be born in the mind of your consumer or potential customer, not in your own, and to know what your customer is thinking or what they are really looking to satisfy, you must research, ask and listen. Take into account the three key points mentioned above. It is essential to understand how your client speaks to start writing any type of text whose mission is to convert the user into a customer or the continuous sale of your training or nutrition services (loyalty). Now that you know who your ideal customer is and how they express themselves, it's time to take action.

#3 → Create specific texts, not generalist ones

This is the most important point, the essence of this article, and we want you to read it carefully because in addition to being the most important, it is subdivided into other steps that you should take to create powerful texts.


The first thing you should do is do your research (yes, again). A good text is always backed up by true and credible information, so when you start writing, use the information you have previously collected and make sure to transmit it as clear and simple as possible. Of course, research also has its own structure and the best order you can follow is this:

  1. Internal Investigation: Nobody knows your business as well as you do (that's for sure), but maybe you don't have well-structured information or there are some questions you haven't asked yourself yet. So we recommend that you include everything that has to do with the brand, the product or service and the customer you are targeting.
  2. Externa: covers everything related to competition.
  3. Summary and Conclusions. Analyze all your information and summarize what will be useful for you to start writing your final text.

Basically, what you should take into account in each one is the following:

  • Attention: Attract the attention of your reader. Here we mean that you use a striking title, capable of generating clicks or that users continue to read.
  • Interest: It generates interest on the part of readers in what you tell. You can achieve this if you offer more than just a good title, that is, write the text that comes with interesting facts, mention things that really generate a desire to stop and read. Content that includes the word FREE is always a good hook, for example.
  • I want to: After we have captured the customer's attention, we will come into play with the desire to own the product. To do this, you must provide as many positive details as possible about the product or service you are offering.
  • Action: Finally, get that reader to take the action you decided. It includes an attractive call to action for a specific purpose, for example, clicking on a link, writing a comment, giving Like, share, register, etc.



Your audience is your friend, feel completely confident and calm when it comes to speaking to them. Here technicalities don't come into play, speak to him clearly, let go, show your style and personality through these powerful texts.

DO NOT embellish

Communicate with as few words as possible, hardly anyone likes to read very long paragraphs on social networks or advertisements. Think that your client, if they come across a great text right off the bat, will go through it Olympically.


Empathize with their emotions and desires, get that person to trust you (in your experience and knowledge) and feel unique every time they read a communication about your fitness business.


Present yourself as their best solution, but when you do, do it in an original way. Detail the type of person you help (remember, your ideal customer) and add the benefits that the customer achieves with you.

Achieve your goal

It's no use capturing the attention of a potential customer and getting their interest aroused if then, at the time of closing the sale, you don't know what to say or how to do it... Here you just have to ask yourself what you want that person to do. Register, click on a link, share content... What are you looking for? Once you have it, it's time to close the sale with a call to action, what we know as Call to Actions. For this last step, we recommend that you set a single objective per communication and that you use action verbs. Keep in mind that, if you include several actions in a single text, the client will only perform one (and hopefully) they will abandon the process due to confusion or disinterest in what you are communicating. When you have it, read it aloud! (this is real). If it doesn't sound right or like you would say it to a friend, you'll have to take a look around and finish writing it in an attractive way.

#4 → If you want spectacular texts, apply these tips finally

Sometimes questioning certain things works Do I ever stray from the topic? , Does each sentence/paragraph provide any value? , is everything correct?...Before clicking the “publish” button, review your texts. Even if you are convinced that your research has been successful, that you have chosen the right words and that you ended up creating a post like a complete crack, we advise you to always review before publishing. This revision will help you to leave the text impeccable and ready to publish. We assure you that you will be amazed when you see certain phrases that looked good on paper and suddenly, you don't like them on the screen anymore. Another thing that can also happen is that you have a new idea after seeing the text already laid out and with images. If this happens, don't worry, that's good! You're getting more and more your copying skills


.Allow yourself to take a breakFollowing the line of the previous point, it may happen that, once the revision is done, your texts don't convince you, but you don't know how to change them so that they end up generating that feeling of success. It's okay if this happens, resting the information is valid, and you can also find new doses of creativity one relaxing afternoon to resume that text, with all the power!Abandon the mission Bad news... It may happen to you that after a break or search for inspiration you can't find anything and that, to top it off, time is playing against you. Breathe, everything has a solution. And here the easiest and most viable option will be to trust what you wrote first and launch it to see how it works. You would be surprised at the number of brands or content creators who have thought that their texts or posts weren't going to work and find that they have gone viral among the members of their community. In fact, almost everything we make viral has been created by someone without that intention.Invite the reader to interactTry to add a question to each closing of the text to give way to your community to interact with your content. Conversation is the best trick to position your content and make it reach more people. And finally... Be authenticWe already know that this sounds like a cliché to you. But the truth is that, if you use your own style in each communication, your readers will always relate to that type of content and tone. In other words, you will position yourself in their Top of Mind, a difficult place to leave if you know how to stand firm in it.

This article is coming to an end, but first...

Let's talk about Newsjacking

Many content creators aim to increase the impact and virality of their content. There are multiple marketing techniques to achieve this goal, however, the most correct one for that specific objective is Newsjacking, which allows you to quickly multiply the reach of your brand by taking advantage of current issues.

But exactly what is Newsjacking?

Newsjacking (literally “news hijacking”) is a marketing technique that takes advantage of trending news to integrate the brand into the conversation and make it visible to its followers. The events that can be used for newsjacking are very varied: sporting events, big concerts, the Oscars or Goya, a political appearance... Of course, we must always avoid sensitive issues that may generate rejection.

Let's see the features most important of a successful newsjacking action

  • Speed. As you can see in the graph, you have to find the exact time to apply newsjacking. It's right after the news comes out and before the media start looking for additional information about it.
  • Creativity. We must look for an original way to link the event to our brand, in fact, the best way is to use humor when communicating it, in this way you will be able to generate an impact and differentiate yourself from other personal trainers.
  • quality. Newsjacking, despite being a quick and very effective action, is not an excuse to neglect the rest of the content.
  • Moderation. This digital marketing technique can turn against us if we don't use an appropriate tone, if we choose controversial news or abuse the technique, we will produce fatigue and even rejection in the audience.

Steps to apply newsjacking, like a PRO


1- Catch up on the latest newsUse these tools to know what people are talking about:

  • Trending topics on Twitter
  • Instagram hashtags and memes
  • Google Trends
  • Google Alert

2 - Prepare magical content

  • Create content that creatively includes your brand
  • Add a bit of humor
  • Use the right hashtags to give it visibility

3 - Publish it! Make it visible on all the social networks where your brand is present and promotes its dissemination. The key is to be quick and not let the news get cold. The ideal would be for your work team and friends to share it to speed up the task of dissemination and outreach.

Before you go, check out these TOP examples of Newsjacking!

Dudyfit. Ejemplos de newsjacking para entrenadores personales en Madrid. Escribir mejor para vender más

So far this article on marketing techniques ideal for a fitness and health professional. We hope that it will be useful to you and, above all, that you will apply it to the content strategy of your online training business, today! Wait, haven't you digitized your training and nutrition services yet? Well then, you have to try Harbiz, the platform for personal trainers and the most powerful nutritionists in the fitness sector in Spain, currently.GO!!