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6 fitness trends in Spain

6 fitness trends in Spain

Fitness trends in Spain: Functional fitness training, exercise and weight loss programs, and much more.

Javi Ortega
From Harbiz
fitness trends

“What are the fitness trends in Spain?” , “Where will I need to focus on my fitness business?” , “What will my online or in-person training clients ask for?”...

Surely these have been your concerns this New Year and we can only tell you that you have come to the right place. Knowing the fitness trends in Spain will help you start developing or planning all the social media content and even any communication or service that you will offer in the coming months. The trends that we will show you below are those that will appear or will remain in the fitness sector according to the informative report of the national survey on this topic. The same has been carried out by the sports consultancy Valgo and other entities such as the Council COLEF, the Autonomous University of Madrid, the FNEID, the FAGDE and the NSCA. So, with no more time to waste, let's go with the first one!

#1 Functional fitness training

El functional training consists of performing exercises adapted to the natural movements of the human body to work all muscles and joints.The main advantage of this type of training is that it is 100% adapted to the physical conditions of each person. It turns out to be very effective as personal training because it improves:

  • Body mobility
  • Agility
  • The balance
  • Develop cardiovascular health
  • Correct posture
  • Strengthens muscle mass
  • And it helps to maintain the ideal weight

According to the conclusions of the survey, this trend will continue to show its relevance because it has remained in the top 5 in Spain for years in a row. In addition, it seems to be much more relevant in the Spanish national context than in the international context, where it appears in position 14, maintaining the intermediate positions of recent years. In short, this trend will be ideal for both online and face-to-face fitness businesses that seek to respond to the new needs present in the Spanish population.

Entrenamiento funcional de fitness. Tendencia fitness para 2022 en España. DudyFit

#2 Personal training, the most powerful fitness trend

As we well know, personalized training is provided by a professional in the fitness and health sector who instructs and trains clients, usually with a specific situation. Its objective is nothing more than to increase their physical fitness and in general their health, with appropriate, correct and safe exercises for that person. This year, this trend remains in the top 5 in the national survey, its usual place except for the year 2020, where it fell to position number 7. So it remains a good business option for the needs increasingly notable among the Spanish and international population. If this trend has caught your attention and given you that motivational boost to start your personal training project, you can start with a all-in-one tool, easy and intuitive that allows you to manage both your business and your customers in a short time.

Entrenamiento personalizado. Tendencia del fitness para 2022 en España. DudyFit

#3 Exercise and Weight Loss Programs

Undoubtedly, a trend that was to be expected for this year. Already in 2021 it ranked first and today, it is once again occupying a relevant position, as it has been doing in previous Spanish surveys. However, it continues to lose relevance in the international context, where it has fallen to position number 16. Well, this trend encompasses all training programs that aim to “create a negative energy balance by combining an increase in energy expenditure and a calorie restriction, contributing so to weight loss.” Let's remember that, a programme of physical training is “a systematic and detailed model carried out by a specialist in sports medicine to determine the correct and efficient physical activity based on the physical characteristics of a patient.” So if you have been identified with this trend, you know what you have to do... start boosting it this year with your clients.

Perdida de peso. Tendencia fitness para 2022 en España. DudyFit

#4 Outdoor fitness activities.

This trend refers to all those activities carried out in natural spaces: hiking or cycling routes, Yoga, as well as activities specifically aimed at physical training such as circuits carried out in parks or similar spaces. For 2022, it remains in the same position as it occupied in the Spanish survey in 2021. In fact, it is the best historical position to date, since it has claimed its importance since the pandemic, where outdoor physical activity is presented as a safe alternative. For this trend we recommend that you start to generate flexible training programs, adapted to any environment and, in turn, that you motivate or encourage your clients to do them in outdoor areas.

Yoga al aire libre. Tendencia fitness para 2022 en España. DudyFit

#5 High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT is a High-intensity fitness training recommended to significantly reduce full-body fat mass and waist circumference. Practically, it is based on alternating short periods of high-intensity exercise with periods of recovery or light exercise. A rather interesting fact about this training modality is that it requires 40% less commitment of training time. A great advantage due to the lack of time that a large part of the population currently has to exercise. And if you look, another great advantage is that you can offer this service in a more practical and fast way. You don't need any extra material other than a qualified fitness professional and a digital tool for your business that allows you to teach these classes virtually. Well, this trend repeats its usual place since 2020, ranked number 12. This affirms its relevance in the fitness sector and the importance it maintains for the Spanish population. Although she is the only one that disappears from the top 10, we believe that her position is still interesting compared to the services that you can start offering or maintaining in 2022 in your online or face-to-face fitness business.

HIIT. Tendencia fitness para 2022 en España. DudyFit

#6 Mobile applications for the development of activities and provision of fitness services

This last trend is ranked number 13 in the national survey, that is, it remains among the top 20 of fitness trends in Spain. This means that it is still of interest not only for companies that offer this type of tool, but for all fitness professionals and their clients, who seek to train in a more comfortable and accessible way. Already in 2021, the results of this trend were surprising. An increase of 95.2% in the use of exercise apps for smartphones was mentioned. 2022 is expected to be the same or higher, since for people who train or lead a healthy lifestyle, it is more enjoyable to train on their own and anywhere. Here we emphasize that you follow or start use tools to manage your business and your customers, in order to respond to this predictable trend after the influence that COVID-19 had on everyone's lives.