Improve & empower your brand as a personal trainer

marca personal entrenadores personales

“How can I improve & empower my brand as a personal trainer?” Whether you are a personal trainer, nutritionist, yoga instructor, Pilates instructor, Crossfit trainer, or just an individual, you need to learn how to stand out from the rest. The key lies in identifying what represents and differentiates you, such as your values, your […]

Instagram Basics for Coaches

basicos de ig para entrenadores personales

What formats work best on Instagram for a personal trainer? An Instagram account for a personal trainer has to be their best introduction, but you may be wondering why. Well, this platform has become the favorite of over 1 billion people worldwide, and this number keeps increasing every year. According to a recent study by […]

Sales strategy for personal trainers

5 mejores apps para entrenadores personales

Why do you need a client acquisition strategy if you’re a personal trainer? If you’re a personal trainer, nutritionist, Yoga or Crossfit instructor (in short, a fitness professional) this information’s meant for you! In this article, we’ll give you the main reasons why, particularly a personal trainer, should have a well-defined sales strategy to be […]

How to Motivate My Online Training Clients

“I want my online training clients to stay motivated when exercising, but I don’t know what to do anymore to achieve it.” These words from one of our personal trainers got us thinking about how useful it could be to create an article that would serve personal trainers, nutritionists, or fitness professionals as a source […]

Boost Your Fitness Business with Online Training Resources

As a fitness professional or training center owner, it can be challenging to guide and support your clients or members in a constantly evolving world. Here are some tips to make your client management and online training programs more effective. Get Familiar with Online Training With the power of social media, online training has become […]