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2021: The best year of Harbiz, the platform for fitness professionals

2021: The best year of Harbiz, the platform for fitness professionals

How much has Harbiz, the platform for fitness and health professionals, grown in its second year on the market?

Javi Ortega
From Harbiz

How much has Harbiz, the platform for fitness and health professionals, grown in its second year on the market?

What happened to Harbiz in 2021? , What were the best moments of this platform for fitness professionals this year?... Well, I'm sure you've been looking forward to the answer to these questions


. It may be because you are already working with this platform for fitness professionals or because your goal for 2022 is digitize your fitness business to reach more people with your online training services. Whatever your case, we want to tell you this story well. We want you to know how this dream became a real product for fitness professionals and like you, you are the protagonist of this story. So, before we talk about our second year in the market, let's see how it all started. Let's GO!

How was Harbiz born?

DudyFit, plataforma para profesionales del fitness y la salud en Madrid

That's how this story begins. A phrase that managed to make Mario and Javi, lovers of the world of fitness and digitalization, face a new professional challenge and a personal goal that defines them both... helping other people achieve their goals (at the same time that they achieve their goals) .Three years ago, exactly at the end of 2019 and a small meeting as the setting for this story, a problem in the fitness world illuminated the minds of Mario and Javi: there was no platform that had all the functions and tools ideal for fitness and health professionals in Spain. So both set to work to give shape to this business idea. It took many hours of work and effort to express an idea that was realistic and truly responded to this need. But finally, they succeeded. Harbiz was already a real tool in February 2020, available to all those who wanted to take their fitness business to the next level.

What was Harbiz's impetus?

A very simple question to answer when you put the needs of your target audience above anything else.

DudyFit, plataforma para profesionales del fitness y la salud en Madrid

“... But what we never imagined was that the tool would be so successful in such a short time, and this was thanks to the trust placed by many of our current clients, without them this business idea would have remained only in our thoughts.” However, there are 2 factors that also helped us that we cannot leave aside. The first is that we had the opportunity to promote a product that adjusted to a new reality... digitalization forced by an unexpected pandemic. We all had to adapt our lives in a matter of days and the fitness sector was the one that suffered the most, so it was the perfect time to support these professionals in the evolution of their fitness business. The second factor is even more important, because without a powerful, promising product that would meet the expectations of its customers, we would not have reached where we are today. Not much less would all this have happened, which we will tell you below.

Harbiz's best moments in 2021

April, 2021. A round of investment that motivated us to go for more.

The numbers spoke for themselves... 700,000 euros approved to “continue to improve the product and incorporate all the features that both professionals and their clients demand, and to consolidate ourselves as the leading platform in Spain.” Today, the results have been as expected. We have provided the platform with many new features, tools and updates that have improved the performance of more than 2,000 fitness professionals and sports centers.

DudyFit capta 700.000 euros en una nueva ronda de inversión

September, 2021. We cross borders.

Harbiz has managed to adapt its platform to a new promising audience, the United Kingdom! Now the platform is available in English, which will not only allow us as a company to reach new professionals but also to our clients, to reach more people looking to improve their habits and lifestyle.

October, 2021. Our team is growing and with it the hope of continuing to move forward together.

Both summer and autumn were important seasons for our project, and we finally managed to bring together incredible people, not only professionally but also personally. Right now, Harbiz has a workforce of 22 people who are just as committed as its founders, making daily work more enjoyable and objectives aligned. Look! , are these us?

Equipo DudyFit, la plataforma para gestionar negocios fitness.

December, 2021. We ended the year as the fifth most powerful startup in Spain.

On November 11, 2021, the digital newspaper “El Referente” compiled about fifteen startups (including Harbiz) that until now were boosting the market, thanks to their disruptive proposals and the use of the latest technological advances. Just a month later, on a Tuesday at 9:00 to be exact, we received an email confirming a great achievement. We had finally managed to position ourselves as the fifth most powerful startup in the market.

DudyFit, el SaaS todo en uno para los profesionales del fitness

This news changed the course of many of our actions, as it was the perfect dose of motivation to set new goals with the platform for 2022 and, of course, to continue creating a product that meets the expectations of everyone who is ready to take their training business to the next level. So we can only tell you... stay alert because great things are coming.


Ah! One more thing

We want you to know that our commitment is not only to you, that you read to us behind a screen and that you surely feel the same enthusiasm and motivation to achieve your own goals, it is also with those 25,000 people who train with our fitness professionals, who every day seek to be the best version of themselves working side by side with our platform. So this article closes like this... thanking you and your customers for being here, for reading us and for being part, from now on, of this great story. Motivate yourself to achieve your goals and those of your business, with us, in 2022. Let's go team!