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10 Books Every Fitness Professional Should Read

10 Books Every Fitness Professional Should Read

Recommended books for fitness professionals

Javi Ortega
From Harbiz
10 BOOKS EVERY FITNESS PROFESSIONAL SHOULD READ||||||||||||Recommended books for personal trainers|Recommended books for personal trainers|Recommended books for personal trainers|Recommended books for personal trainers

The current knowledge of a fitness professional is never enough. Start reading these books and continue to grow on a personal and professional level.

Surely you have noticed that one of our main objectives is to create a community of fitness and health professionals who are capable of anything. Not only do we seek to help you manage your time and your business effectively, we also want you to continue to grow and reinforce your knowledge to become that person you want to be. And yes, here we are no longer talking about what you can achieve at a professional level, we are talking about something even more important that makes your career meaningful... your personal growth. Today we bring you a handful of books that we consider essential both for you and for the progress of your business. And even better, we bring you sections according to the theme of each book so that you can start reading them even in the order that we propose in this article. You can find all the ones we will recommend to you in Kindle format, at this link from Amazon. It's easy and you can access them free of charge for a month. Let's do it!

Libros para profesionales del fitness. DudyFit. 2022

Section 1 - Personal Growth

More and more people are becoming aware that the best investment is taking care of themselves. This doesn't mean that physical well-being has taken a back seat, quite the contrary, now we care about both things and that's the right thing to do.Let's look at the first 3 books in this section:

Libros recomendados para entrenadores personales

1) The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now basically it is a guide and one of those that are easy to read. Its author tries to teach us that it is possible to moderate the pain, suffering and anxiety that the current type of life produces in people. The solution is to understand that it is our own thoughts that cause us unhappiness, that pain is created by each one of us in our head and that the human being is much more than his mind. In short, it is a book that teaches us to focus on the current situation and work on our emotions.

2) Think fast, think slowly by Daniel Kahneman

Actually, the reason why we recommend this book is because of the amount of useful information it has for progress both personally and professionally. The author talks to us about the biases in our minds and about how to make better decisions. For the rest, it's a book that, if you don't like to analyze, you won't like it very much... because it's a rather complex book, really.

3) Man in search of meaning by Viktor Frankl

This book is more profound. It is one of the classics not only of personal development, but of existentialist and humanist philosophy in general. Because it is based on the surprising story in which Viktor Frankl recounts his experience in concentration camps. During all those years of suffering, he felt in his own being what a naked existence meant, devoid of everything, except existence itself.

Section 2 - Fitness Business Management

Libros recomendados para entrenadores personales

Here we have already entered into another topic. We talk about the importance of reducing meaningless, aimless steps, to change them to firm and safe steps when starting a fitness business. Basically, these books that we will leave you below will help you to: intelligently manage your training business and optimize your time without losing quality of life.

1) Rich dad, poor dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki invites us to understand and learn to see money in another (quite impactful) way, recounting the teachings of his “2 parents”, the biological one, who defends the system of studying, working and you'll get something, and the father of a friend, who instructs him in the art of putting money to work for you.

2) Fitness Marketing secrets by Mike Arce

This book is, first, for those who have no problem reading in English and, second, for those who seek to position themselves as the favorite brand of their customers (that is, all


) .Its author will give you all the information you need to outperform your competition using video marketing, social networks, lead generation tools and much more. The strategies he teaches in this book are used by some of the most successful clients and contacts in the commercial fitness sector and we already told you that they are super easy to implement.

Section 3 - Boost your personal brand

Libros recomendados para entrenadores personales

These are 2 books that you should read if or not, if you want to improve the way in which you communicate what you offer, your values and what you are willing to do for your clients. They are arranged linearly, so that as you read them you can create, step by step, a good personal brand, based on self-knowledge, authenticity, talent, purpose, vocation and entrepreneurial attitude. Let's get started!

1) The map of your talent by Aranja Ruiz

With this book, you will learn to build a professional image that reflects who you truly are, differentiating yourself from other coaches and attracting clients with the same values to you.

3) How to Build a Storybrand by Donald Miller

Everything you need to know about Personal Branding is in this book. It has an infinite number of exercises, questions, examples, anecdotes and advice on this methodology. It's the perfect guide to start defining the essence of your brand and all those concepts that will represent you over time.

Section 4 - Improve your productivity and habits

Libros recomendados para entrenadores personales

As a fitness professional, you know perfectly well that meeting your goals and your clients is sometimes not easy. In fact, it is common for the routine to eat you up and you even start to have problems separating the personal from the professional. That is why it is key to have good habits, motivation and above all, to be productive, that is, you have to know how to organize and optimize every minute of the day. But don't be scared, being productive is not difficult, it's just a matter of knowing how to distribute your time correctly and these 4 books will prove it to you. Here are brief descriptions of each one:

1) The subtle art of (almost everything) giving a shit about me**** by Mark Manson

This book offers a moment of sincerity and shows us that the key to being safer and happier people is to better manage adversity.

2) Start with why by Simon Sinek

In this book, Sinek explains everything that is needed to lead, inspire and take action. In addition, it shows us that the key is to find out what your reason is and what you really believe in, to become or do what truly inspires you.

3) The 5 in the morning club by Robin Sharma

This book is about the innovative and incredible story of two people who want to improve productivity, prosperity and serenity in a time of digital distractions and complexities.

Here is a gift book about new habits recommended for your personal and professional development

The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey

This book talks about the importance of changing our perception of current situations to make us responsible for our actions, through new habits. Well, so far we believe that you have enough books to Boost your fitness business so much How is your personal growth in 2022. However, there is one more thing that will help you take your business wherever you want this year and the answer is in the following image

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