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How to Retain Your Online Training Clients

How to Retain Your Online Training Clients

Why should I focus on keeping my current customers happy and not on attracting new ones?

Javi Ortega
From Harbiz
How to retain the customers of your online training business

“Why should I focus on keeping my current customers happy and not on attracting new ones?” , “Doesn't attracting a customer bring me greater benefits than keeping a current one?”

The answer to the second question is given to you in advance... No! And we answer the explanation with the first question


.Although attracting customers is attractive and has a greater emotional impact, retaining your current customers is much more beneficial to the health and stability of your company because, according to a study conducted by Inc. in 2019, loyalty can be up to 10 times more profitable than attracting a new one, It also reveals that a loyal customer spends an average of 67% more than a new one. That said, I'm sure you now want to get down to work with your strategy to keep your current customers happy and serviced, right? Well let's not wait any longer then... let's see how you can retain your online training clients!

#1 Know your customer

Building customer loyalty is a commitment to the future where you can start working now! And to begin with, you must know very well who is behind the screen, receiving your services. Knowing them not only includes filling out the welcome form that you send them to know their objectives and personal information, it also includes carrying out a process very similar to that of selling... knowing what they are called, what they need, what they usually hire or buy, when their birthday is and if necessary, even the breed of their dog. The relationship with your customers at some point becomes something very similar to family or friends, because you know a lot about them, don't you? Well, this must also be the case with those who trust your services. Now, let's see how you can get that information:

  • A personal call or meeting
  • Expanding the welcome form with closer questions
  • And even, following the person's social network (Instagram for example) to see what they do in their spare time, what they like...

A week ago, in the article on productivity, we talked about the Pareto Law, an economic law that, basically, is applicable to any field or concept. In this case, you should think that 20% of your customers are generating 80% of your turnover. With that said, things get more serious, right? Well this is when we ask you... Do you already know who is part of that 20%? If not, you already have a job... Let's get to work!


#2 Get the most out of your customers' suggestions or complaints

Improving customer retention requires a change in attitude. Negative suggestions or comments are not meant to attack you or to annoy you, they are a manifesto of how your clients felt during the time they were training with you. They are an opportunity to know what your customers really think of you and your services. What do you prefer, for a user to complain openly or to abandon your workouts without giving you an explanation? Negative reviews are what help you improve your services, give you the opportunity to redeem yourself and even help you avoid potential online reputation crises. But for that, you have to learn to handle them properly. The next time a user tells you something that isn't quite good, take it as an opportunity to solve their problems and those of your future customers. Listen to him, get the information you need to resolve the problem, and act quickly. Apologize sincerely, thank him for sharing how he felt, and promise only what you can offer. If everything goes well and the customer really understands that you want to do your best and your business to help them, you will have managed to build customer loyalty forever.

#3 Keep in touch with your customers

One of the basic keys to a good relationship with the customer is fluency. Having conversations with your clients helps the person to feel confident at all times, as well as being listened to. Think about it, feeling that behind the screen there is not only your coach or instructor but a friend, who listens to you, who understands you, who supports you and encourages you when you need it most, especially when he knows that you are working hard to achieve your goals. Create an ongoing relationship that allows you to monitor how the person feels about your services and anticipate possible problems. I'm sure these ideas will help you maintain a good relationship:

  • After the monitoring your evolution with training, send him a motivational message by phone, email or social media.
  • From time to time, Send him friendly messages, close, to remind them that you are still available to him.
  • Crea Contents of value (that they educate) for your social networks and make them interact or participate with it. You can do surveys, videos, games and even sports challenges.
  • Send him a message notifying you of your new services, content for training, launch of timely payment products, and even events in which you are going to participate or are of interest in the fitness sector.
  • Surprise him from time to timeor with a discount or by inviting them to an event. Everyone loves the unexpected and your customer will appreciate every possible detail you have with it.

For all these points, there is something that you should not overlook... do not become heavy as you could cause the person to get tired and abandon their process with you because you have overloaded them with information.

#4 Be transparent with your customers

Transparent and sincere communication is essential to build a brand image that inspires trust.Starting with the information of everything you offer in your platform to train your clients and manage your business, and following up with all the communications you make to your customers, either through the chat within the platform itself or through social networks. In addition, reporting in a clear and transparent way can prevent you from going through a social media reputation crisis. Which basically refers to a customer who publicly expresses their dissatisfaction through social networks and spreads to the point of obscuring your reputation. Acting quickly and well in these cases has a great impact on the customer's perception of your fitness business. Well, whatever caused the bad experience, will take a back seat in your customer's memory if you manage to act on time and in the right way.

#5 Take advantage of the Harbiz subscription model to reinforce the experience

Offer your customers a platform with everything your business has to give them It's already a great advantage, now imagine not having to remind them of the payment for it every month... incredible, right? Well, this is just the experience you can provide to your customers... a personalized training service, online and with a subscription payment. Think about it, we all like to take the extra worries out of our daily lives, we love solving everything in a single click and as if that were not enough, we prefer to order food than go shopping or order a taxi instead of walking. In short, what is easy makes you fall in love and what is within your reach even more. Take advantage of this subscription model to provide them with more things that will benefit them in their process:

  • Complementary products or services for your workouts
  • Live sessions
  • Complete nutrition and training programs
  • Lists of products for your food and care, and more!

All that (and more), you can offer with a click

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