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How can I attract more customers to my training business?

How can I attract more customers to my training business?

How to attract more customers to my training business

Javi Ortega
From Harbiz

“I want to attract more customers for my training business, but I don't know where to start”

Attracting new customers for your training business is probably one of the things you feel is costing you the most and, as a result, you feel overwhelmed. But as they say, in this life nothing is impossible... it's complicated, but not impossible. In this article, we will show you that there are easier and more dynamic ways to attract more customers for your training business, without the need to show the customer that, behind your advertisements or your content, there is a desperation to attract them to your brand. With the passage of time, the advancement of technology, the new way of working and the increasing knowledge (at a general level) of potential customers, the task of trying to attract new customers for your training business you have been surrounded by endless questions... “How will I be able to attract them to my brand? , What should I tell them to get their attention? , Why my training business and not that of the competition? , How am I going to surprise them?” Well, don't stress anymore! Harbiz has all the answers to those questions:

#1 → Get to know your brand personality well and find out how you want to communicate with your potential customers

On the Internet, it is common to see companies with well-defined personalities. In the case of Burguer King, for example, they are shown as trolls, and they demonstrate this in each of their publications or advertisements. So, the first step, is define our brand personality well and always use the same tone for your publications or advertisements.For example, if you get used to speaking with close vocabulary, from colleagues, in each of your communications, you should maintain that “tone of voice”. However, you should be careful when using humor, you could offend users if you cross the line... This first step is essential since it is possible to create a brand essence, so that our target audience will always relate us to that kind of content. In addition, it allows us to be original and differentiate ourselves from the competition.

#2 → Focus on identifying who your potential customers really are.

Nowadays, it's impossible to speak generically, your customers want you to speak directly to them, they seek to feel unique and listened to.To do this, the easiest task will be to create a profile of your ideal customer (Buyer persona). The one who has REAL motives and reasons for wanting your services and not someone else's trainer or nutritionist.Remember that, if your product or service evolves, so does your customer's demand, so it's essential that you don't forget to keep it up to date. Last but not least, analyze your competition. The more data you have about how they do things, how they communicate and what they are made of, the task of being UNIQUE will become easier for you, because you simply have to do the opposite (in case something isn't working for them) or be their best version (same concept with added value).

#3 → Be aware of what you offer

It seems obvious, but it's not, and here the key is knowledge and communication. You must understand that the customer does not know everything you know about your product or service, that, although for you the name or concept of your brand or action speaks for itself, it is not like that for your audience. Let's give you an example... Suppose you want to take up a 50-day challenge, in which you want your customers, through training sessions, to achieve their ideal weight or gain muscle mass. It will be up to you to communicate to them correctly and in a very easy way, what the challenge will consist of. In the end, if your clients are not aware of what they can achieve with your challenge, you will not generate any desire (in them) to purchase your service.And, of course, it also depends on you to have sufficient knowledge about the ideal exercises for this type of training session, the times, the type of diet they should eat during the challenge, the correct way to do each exercise, etc.

#4 → Be authentic and original when communicating.

We know this is a bit cliché, but there is nothing more certain than if you're different, you'll go far.When you go to sit down to create a post or communication for your clients, make sure that the references you previously researched to associate with your content are pleasant and known to most users... Let's look at an example:

  • The Paper House series, part 5: We know that a large part of society is Hooked to this series, well, you could do a training session where the theme is the series (that is, the music and the clothes you wear).

And here's your time to be original! Use this theme to write or record the announcement of the session you are going to hold. In the end, people are looking for brands that define them and that relate to them in some way or another. Therefore, using current language in your ads or publications will make them pay more attention to you and want to follow your content.

#5 → Use the right communication channels

Since in this case we are talking about digitized brands, it is important Learn about the different digital marketing techniques that exist and keep up to date with them since they are constantly evolving. Here it is necessary to correctly define the social networks in which we will be present, since it depends a lot both on the type of audience of the brand and on the form of communication that the company has with that audience, and on the type of activity to which it is engaged. In other words, seek to be present on one or more social networks that help you promote your personal brand or company and that the publication format combines and reinforces your image and communication. In the webinar that we hold together with the Trainers Academy, you will find the steps to create an effective online strategy that allows you to get closer to your customers or reach more people → See full

#6 → Your statistics speak, listen to them!

The results obtained by the advertisements published on your social networks and other communication channels are to be analyzed and to define, later, your next steps (actions). Consider analyzing and filtering these results from time to time (every week, every fortnight, every month...), correct your actions based on that data and record those peaks of improvement so that, in the not too distant future, you can apply it to your next actions. This way it will be much easier to keep up to date with what your audience is demanding to give them what they really want and thus achieve their loyalty.Start working on your brand today!Create your next action plan and set a specific goal for the number of new customers you want to attract this time. By following these steps rigorously you will achieve better results. And yes... it's about IMPROVE and MOVE FORWARD.It may not be the magic formula that will get you an equal number of new customers tomorrow, but it will help you develop your creative and conceptual abilities to achieve that goal. Go for it DudyTrainer! Wait, aren't you part of our team yet? , join us!