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Gamification and fitness: Create game-like training routines

Gamification and fitness: Create game-like training routines

What is gamification or gamification? How to benefit if I'm in the world of fitness.

Javi Ortega
From Harbiz

Gamification in the fitness sector. Without a doubt, one of the best strategies for attracting and retaining customers for your business.

Gamification and the fitness sector, two concepts that will fit perfectly in 2022 for one simple reason... fun and different thrills and motivates anyone to train either at home, in a gym, in a park with your personal trainer or instructor, etc.

Every year everything changes, evolves, and the fitness sector is the one that is most often affected for different reasons:

  1. People are increasingly looking for disciplines or training that are of their liking, interest and satisfaction.
  2. Others seek to respond to a present need or problem, which sometimes causes demotivation and laziness when doing exercises that are not to their liking.
  3. Then there are those who seek to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle from anywhere and at any time of the day, which for many gyms or in-person sports centers is a problem.

Whatever your case, today we want to propose gamification as a solution that will help you boost the services you offer in your fitness business to reach more people or retain your current customers.

Let's do it!

Gamificación y fitness. Crea rutinas de ejercicio a modo de juego este 2022. Dudyfit

Gamification and fitness. Train and have fun at the same time.

At this first point we stop to clarify what gamification is, a concept that perhaps you didn't know but that is increasingly present in different sectors.

What is gamification or gamification?

It is a learning technique that Transfer the mechanics of a game to any area in order to achieve better results. Practically, for the fitness industry, it serves to motivate people to meet the proposed objectives, to stay active and to reward concrete actions...

In recent years, this term has gained enormous popularity, especially in digital environments and face-to-face fitness businesses that seek, above all, to build customer loyalty.

The Spanish market is lagging somewhat behind in this regard, as very few professionals, sports centers or platforms use this model to improve the customer experience.

Therefore, implementing gamification in the way you offer your fitness services can be an excellent opportunity not only to attract more customers but also to differentiate yourself from the competition and thus get them to choose you or your business over them.

Gamification and fitness. Turn your workouts into a game

There are simple and complex forms to turn your training sessions into a game.

The simple ones, are those that are within your reach and that do not require such specific tools to create them, such as:

  • Create sporting challenges.
  • Create training sessions where your customers get points redeemable for prizes or rewards for each completed round.
  • Train your clients while monitoring their heart rate with electronic devices (watches) so that they train at the right intensity and thus achieve the desired training effect.
  • Create training circuits as a competition. In this case, you can suggest that they go jogging or cycling in a group where you “reward” those who achieved it in the shortest time or simply show them the time and performance of each one to motivate them to be better next time.
Gamificación y fitness. Crea rutinas de ejercicio a modo de juego este 2022. Dudyfit

Then they are The complex, which would be those that do require more specific digital tools to achieve that feeling of being in a game.

However, this is not a problem if you use the platform for fitness professionals and sports centers of Harbiz, because with all of its available features, you can offer a more rewarding experience.

See how you can Gamify your services with our platform 😎:


Your clients, as they carry out the corresponding training program, They can go completing and evaluating each exercise. This creates a sense of pride or satisfaction when successfully achieving each level of training.


The fact of having a platform that allows you record the performance and evolution of your customers In order to give feedback, it helps you reward their efforts and motivate them to continue training until they reach the goal. This also benefits you and your business when it comes to customer retention.

Video format to offer your services.

You can create your sports challenges or challenges through the video sessions that Harbiz puts at your disposal.

And following the previous line, this also motivates them to continue training until they achieve their objectives and even not to give up training when they have already achieved the result they wanted.


Harbiz allows you to create a group (community) with your clients and with your work team (if you have one).

With the community, you can generate healthy competition among members, since the platform automatically offers you a Ranking of the results of those members of the group who have successfully completed the proposed workouts.

This motivates them to keep striving until they reach their goal or even to surpass the score of others.

Training programs.

You can create complete programs by difficulty level that they connect with each other so that your client maintains physical activity as a routine, improves their performance and does not lose the results they have achieved so far.


Every effort has its reward and Harbiz can help you reward your customers through the option of offering training session bonuses.

For example, once your client has finished a sports challenge, you can give him or sell him a pack of 10 sessions at a lower price so that he can continue working on his goals, which not only rewards his effort but also his loyalty.

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Benefits of turning training into a game for your clients

Motivate. One of the main problems in maintaining a healthy and active life is motivation, whether for time, desire or other reasons.

In this case, challenges and challenges bring out the best in anyone and even more so if we add rewards and prizes for those who have to fight and strive for.

Feeling of improvement. Usually, games seek to overcome levels to move on to others with new challenges or objectives.

When people see their progress, it helps them not only to be better every day, but also to increase their performance, which will give them that feeling of wanting to go for more in the short term.

It helps to be consistent. If there is one thing about games, it is that they generate a desire both to continue playing and not to stop until they win or pass the level.

A game-based training routine would help your clients to be consistent until they achieve their goals, allowing them to achieve better results in an even shorter period of time than normal.

Une. When you're part of a community or team, you feel more motivated and even encouraged to compete.

Create exercise routines that can be done as a team so that each of the participants seeks to complete the experience and be the first to achieve it. This will increase their satisfaction and help them to be more persistent in achieving their goals.

If you've come this far, it's because you've probably already noticed this strategy to attract and retain customers for your fitness business.

If so, you know what you have to do from now on... Start planning your workouts like a game! 🚀

Gamificación y fitness. Crea rutinas de ejercicio a modo de juego este 2022. Dudyfit